1.95 FAQ-449 Known issues of copy-paste an Origin graph to Corel Draw

Last Update: 8/31/2020

This page lists serveral known issues you may encounter when you copy and paste an Origin graph to Corel Draw. They are caused by Corel Draw and thus cannot be fixed on Origin side. Please keep them in mind when you try to paste a graph to Corel Draw.

  • Why do I see wiggles in my Origin graph copy-pasted to Corel Draw?:
    Sometimes if you copy an Origin graph and paste into other application, e.g. Corel Draw, you will see unexpected wiggles. It may be a problem of Corel Draw, or due to the Copy Page Settings in Origin. If you encounter this problem, you can try the following solution. If it doesn't work, it is possibly caused by Corel Draw side.
  1. In Origin, before copy the graph page, click Preference: Options to open the Options dialog.
  2. Go to the Page tab, under the Copy Page Settings section, choose the Set Resolution radio button.
  3. Set a higher resolution in the following text box. Click OK button.

  • Why does the non-English character change in my copy-pasted graph to Corel Draw?:
    One workaround is to replace the non-English character with Unicode text. For example, replace Greek character \Omega \g(W) with \(x03A9).

  • Why does the transparent color lost in my copy-pasted graph to Corel Draw?:
    This problem is a Corel Draw issue.

Keywords:wiggles, display error, Corel Draw, copy page, OLE, other application, paste page, stepping curve, Greek, export graph, exporting problem, transparency, CorelDraw, emf