File Exchange > Graphing >    Graph Anim

Antoine Couturier
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Graph Anim.opx
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Animate graphs with many different effects and export as animated GIF or MP4

Screen Shot and Video:

This App will animate ANY type of graph and generate an animated file (gif or mp4) for inserting into presentation software.
Dataplots are morphed into their actual values from a constant baseline (min, max, mean ...) or from any other dataplot.

- Many morphing effects are available: Draw, Motion Chart, Uniform Morph, Constant Velocity, Wave
- Customizable effects
- Dataplot can be animated simultaneously or sequentially
- Possibility to split animation file sequentially
- Customizable graph size, number of frames and framerate
- First frame saved separately to be used as initial slide, before animation is started
- Included help file (? button in dialog)
- Included sample project (right-click on App icon and select Show Samples Folder)
- Fun to use

- Matrix plots not supported. In that case, source matrix should be converted to worksheet
- If dataplot comes from a locked column (X-function output or column formula), the animation can not work

Important Note:
Animated GIF file creation involves DOS command window. All is done automatically and it is perfectly normal to briefly see DOS command prompt window open and close.
DO NOT close it manually or it will break GIF creation.

See complete changelog at the end of help file


v2.6 Bug Fix: Couldn't get Xerr and Yerr dataplots in newer Origin versions.
v2.5: Fixed a bug that could crash animation when morphing into single point dataplot.
v2.4: Fix crash if effect is draw with pen on column plots, fixed possible Y data loss when X data is text
v2.3: Fix bug when split animation
v2.2: New elastic effect, improved ease-out effect, code improvements
v2.1: New algorithm for perfect morph between dataplots with differents sizes, Support all types of numeric formats
v2.0: Motion Chart, Support baseline with different size and X, Export as .mp4, Sample project, Customizable effects
v1.5: Fix Morph Color issue with Origin 2019
v1.4: Fix wrong total number of frames displayed in dialog in some cases
- Morph colors between dataplots
- Improved wave effects: waves much smoother when number of frames is big and dataplot size is small.
- Code improvements
- See complete changelog at the bottom of help file

Reviews and Comments:
02/11/2025asmetechnologicPlease help with the problem. When you try to use the application in the "data photos to animate" window, there is not a single option, and when you click the button of the application itself, a window with the error "undefined string variable"LAYER1.PLOT1.NAME "pops up. I ask you very much to answer, I want to use your application to present the data in the report, thank you in advance for the answer.

05/16/2024couturierHi Isi, you can do this, with options to choose how many points to keep
Right click on the App, select Show Samples Folder and load Graph_Anim.opj
In that project there's an example that demonstrates this in Trace Motion Chart subfolder

05/16/2024lsiI would be happy if Graph Anim could output a video where points appear and disappear (a video where the drawn point disappears and the next point appears).


08/18/2022couturierHi a5994111,
It is already supported, with a little trick:
- if 3D colormap surface comes from a matrix, convert it to XYZ worksheet (menu Matrix/Convert to Worksheet and choose XYZ Columns method),
- if 3D colormap surface comes from XYZ data, duplicate the Z col
- add that Z col the existing 3D plot
- open Plot Details, go to 3D plot you want to animate, Fill tab, and set the Colormap to be the newly added Z col
- hide the newly added dataplot and close Plot Details
- In Graph Anim dialog, select the hidden plot only and set any animation setting you need
--> animation of the hidden dataplot will be reflected to colormap surface :-)

08/16/2022a5994111Can you contact the developer, who is in need of a 3D colormap surface GIF animation?,Thanks thanks

08/04/2022OriginLabHi a5994111,
This app is developed by one of our users. This new requirement need this user to modify the app to support.

08/03/2022a5994111Want to update the 3D color map surface GIF


07/11/2022noissevery najs !@noise