1.234 FAQ-1006 Why is it that data points, error bars and text labels lying on the layer frame are not clipped?

Last Update: 3/19/2020

From Origin 2019b, by default, when the Clip Data to Frame is checked on the Plot Details dialog, and there are two ways to clip the data points which can be switched by the system variable @PEC:

  • @PEC=2: Do not clip plot symbols and labels at the frame. In this case, if the XY values of a data point are inside the axis scale, it will be drawn completely even though part of it (error bar, label, etc.) lies outside the frame. This is the default behavior for Origin 2020.
  • @PEC=1:Clip plot symbols and labels at the frame. In this case, all data points lie on the axis line will be shown partially. This is the default behavior for Origin 2019b and 2020b.

Faq 1006.png

To change the way symbols display in relation to the layer frame:

  1. Click once in an empty space inside the graph layer. This selects the layer.
  2. Click the Clip Data to Frame button on the popup mini toolbar.
Faq 1006 1.png

  • To show all data points, error bars and data labels -- even those outside the layer frame -- choose Do not clip.
  • To clip all elements (points, error bars, labels) precisely at the layer frame, choose Clip to frame.
  • To clip the data points outside the layer frame but fully show the data points (with its elements, such as error bar, label, etc.) whose center lies on or within the layer frame, run @PEC=2; in Command Window or Script Window and then choose Hide if outside frame
Faq 1006 2.png

Keywords:clip frame, cut on frame, lie on edge, cut off on the axis, partial