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5 Miscellaneous
Origin Workspace
FAQ-337 How do I customize and reuse toolbar settings?
FAQ-338 My dockable window is missing. How do I get it back?
FAQ-339 How do I prevent windows like the Quick Help window from docking?
FAQ-340 How do I prevent the Results Log window from opening?
FAQ-342 How do I resize dialogs such as multipanel dialogs?
FAQ-343 Is there a comparison table for hot keys from Mac keyboard?
FAQ-344 How to add accelerators in Origin?
FAQ-345 How to solve dialog display problems?
FAQ-346 How do I solve Origin display problem in high resolution screen?
FAQ-347 What accelerator or shortcut keys are supported?
FAQ-680 What is the maximum number of rows allowed in a worksheet/ matrix?
FAQ-701 I cannot save the project because there is an invisible open dialog or minimized dialog. How to solve the problem?
FAQ-722 The icons in Origin are really small. What can I do?
FAQ-728 How to insert information variables such as current project path/name, active window name into the graph/worksheet?
FAQ-743 How do I sort windows by multiple attributes under Project Explorer?
FAQ-756 How can I browse and install add-on tools from File Exchange page?
FAQ-791 Why I cannot open some windows in my project and how do I solve it?
FAQ-850 How to set the font size to Number N just like that in Microsoft Office?
FAQ-887 Origin Central or App Center Fails to Open or Script Error Occurs
FAQ-912 Restoring Display of Folders in Lower Panel of Project Explorer
FAQ-924 Why can't I highlight a column or range of data in one of my worksheets?
FAQ-926 Can I control which window displays in File Explorer Icon Views and Preview pane?
FAQ-955 What do I do when a dialog is too tall for my screen?
FAQ-983 What's the difference between missing values and blank cells?
FAQ-1000 How to reset the size and position of a dialog or Script Window?
FAQ-1027 How to insert pdf file or doc file into Origin?
FAQ-1030 How do I turn Mini Toolbars off or on?
FAQ-1079 What should I do when project cannot save with Excel book?
FAQ-1087 Why my toolbar "disappears" on startup or Origin doesn't remember my last used settings of main window?
FAQ-1096 After upgrade,
File: Open Excel
File: New: Excel
are missing
FAQ-1097 After upgrade, the Import toolbar buttons for Import Single ASCII and Import Excel open different dialog boxes
FAQ-1165 Why are my Child Windows small after opening my project (OPJU) file?
FAQ-1169 Can I pull individual windows such as graphs and worksheets out of the main Origin interface and float them on a second monitor?
FAQ-1170 Can I pin a window so it always stays on top even when I switch to another folder?
FAQ-1190 How to turn on/off Dark Mode?
FAQ-350 How do I turn off the collapsible menus and show full menus?
FAQ-351 What is a dialog theme?
FAQ-352 How to manage all options available in dialogs?
FAQ-353 What does the Recalculate drop-down in various dialogs do?
FAQ-354 Can I change the color of operation lock?
FAQ-355 What is User Files Folder and where are my personal settings stored?
FAQ-356 How do I reset my graph or worksheet template to default settings?
FAQ-357 Why does my graph look different on other computers?
FAQ-707 How do I disable Project Explorer previews and Smart Hint messages?
FAQ-708 How do I permanently change the value of a system variable?
FAQ-710 Why is my OPJ file so large and Origin taking up my computer's full CPU?
FAQ-777 How do I copy data with full precision by using Ctrl + C?
FAQ-780 What should I do when Origin does not function for unknown reasons?
FAQ-811 How can I turn on X function menu, deconvolution for example?
FAQ-857 How to create custom menus?
FAQ-873 How do I remove the recently-used menu items?
FAQ-880 How to increase the number of undos?
FAQ-906 Origin is slow and unresponsive after applying Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, 2017 (Version 1709)
FAQ-920 How can I use English in reports and graphs when Origin is running in non-English OS?
FAQ-930 Windows Freezes or Crashes when Origin Starts or While Origin is Running
FAQ-932 Why does Origin declare the saving file is read-only?
FAQ-938 How do I reset registry-based system variables to default values?
FAQ-1071 What's the file searching rules in Origin?
FAQ-1094 What should I do if Origin not responding when exporting graphs or choosing menu?
FAQ-1153 Script Window opens, reports "err saving <object>"
FAQ-1163 How do I add a file extension to a Data Connector?
FAQ-1213 Origin process remains after closing Origin. What should I do?
Collaboration and Connectivity
FAQ-448 Why the exported EPS file cannot be opened in Photoshop or Illustrator?
FAQ-451 Why my Japanese Origin fails to export AI/CGM/DXF file?
FAQ-453 How to Troubleshoot printing problems?
FAQ-456 How do I export the whole worksheet as an image file or a PDF file?
FAQ-506 Can I send data to Origin from other applications such as LabVIEW?
FAQ-508 Troubleshooting of Excel Errors in Origin
FAQ-509 What should I do if double clicking the embedded graph in Word/PowerPoint fails to open in Origin
FAQ-725 Convert Origin Graph in Word or PPT into Image
FAQ-727 How to make a multi-page PDF file from multiple graph windows
FAQ-736 When running Origin on Mac, can I paste an Origin graph to Word as an OLE embedded object?
FAQ-737 How do I exchange files between Mac and Windows when running Origin on Mac?
FAQ-738 What can I do if Origin runs slowly in a virtual machine on a Mac?
FAQ-739 When running Origin on a Mac through Virtualization Software, why can't I use some shortcut keys from a Mac keyboard?
FAQ-740 Why can't I use right button when runing virtualized Win 7 on Mac?
FAQ-802 When I run a COM example built by VB, I saw a missing DLL error message. How do I solve the problem?
FAQ-831 Why doesn’t drag-and-drop work when I run Origin as an administrator?
FAQ-834 Does Origin comply with Title 21 CFR Part 11?
FAQ-922 Preventing Corruption of Origin Files When Sending Via Email
FAQ-923 Error when trying to edit an Origin graph in MS Word: "The program used to create this object is Origin95"
FAQ-981 How do I share projects with users of older versions?
FAQ-982 I see an error when trying to use LaTex App. What should I do?
FAQ-1127 Opening a file synced to OneDrive triggers error: The file is damaged
FAQ-1200 What happens if I open an OriginPro Project in Standard Origin?
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FAQ-337 How do I customize and reuse toolbar settings?
FAQ-338 My dockable window is missing. How do I get it back?
FAQ-339 How do I prevent windows like the Quick Help window from docking?
FAQ-340 How do I prevent the Results Log window from opening?
FAQ-342 How do I resize dialogs such as multipanel dialogs?
FAQ-343 Is there a comparison table for hot keys from Mac keyboard?
FAQ-344 How to add accelerators in Origin?
FAQ-345 How to solve dialog display problems?
FAQ-346 How do I solve Origin display problem in high resolution screen?
FAQ-347 What accelerator or shortcut keys are supported?
FAQ-350 How do I turn off the collapsible menus and show full menus?
FAQ-351 What is a dialog theme?
FAQ-352 How to manage all options available in dialogs?
FAQ-353 What does the Recalculate drop-down in various dialogs do?
FAQ-354 Can I change the color of operation lock?
FAQ-355 What is User Files Folder and where are my personal settings stored?
FAQ-356 How do I reset my graph or worksheet template to default settings?
FAQ-357 Why does my graph look different on other computers?
FAQ-448 When I export graphs with embedding fonts as PDFs in Remote Desktop, the embedded fonts are missing. What should I do?
FAQ-451 Why my Japanese Origin fails to export AI/CGM/DXF file?
FAQ-453 How to Troubleshoot printing problems?
FAQ-456 How do I export the whole worksheet as an image file or a PDF file?
FAQ-506 Can I send data to Origin from other applications such as LabVIEW?
FAQ-508 Troubleshooting of Excel Errors in Origin
FAQ-509 What should I do if double clicking the embedded graph in Word/PowerPoint fails to open in Origin
FAQ-680 What is the maximum number of rows allowed in a worksheet/ matrixsheet?
FAQ-701 I cannot save the project because there is an invisible open dialog or minimized dialog. How to solve the problem?
FAQ-707 How do I disable Project Explorer previews and Smart Hint messages?
FAQ-708 How do I permanently change the value of a system variable?
FAQ-710 Why is my OPJ file so large and Origin taking up my computer's full CPU?
FAQ-722 The icons in Origin are really small. What can I do?
FAQ-725 Convert Origin Graph in Word or PPT into Image
FAQ-727 How to make a multi-page PDF file from multiple graph windows
FAQ-728 How to insert information variables such as current project path/name, active window name into the graph/worksheet?
FAQ-736 When running Origin on Mac, can I paste an Origin graph to Word as an OLE embedded object?
FAQ-737 How do I exchange files between Mac and Windows when running Origin on Mac?
FAQ-738 What can I do if Origin runs slowly in a virtual machine on a Mac?
FAQ-739 When running Origin on a Mac through Virtualization Software, why can't I use some shortcut keys from a Mac keyboard?
FAQ-740 Why can't I use right button when runing virtualized Win 7 on Mac?
FAQ-743 How do I sort windows by multiple attributes under Project Explorer?
FAQ-746 How can I transpose data when importing ASCII Data?
FAQ-756 How can I browse and install add-on tools from File Exchange page?
FAQ-777 How do I copy data with full precision by using Ctrl + C?
FAQ-780 What should I do when Origin does not function for unknown reasons?
FAQ-791 Why can't I open some windows in my project and how do I solve this?
FAQ-802 When I run a COM example built by VB, I saw a missing DLL error message. How do I solve the problem?
FAQ-811 How can I turn on X function menu, deconvolution for example?
FAQ-831 Why doesn’t drag-and-drop work when I run Origin as an administrator?
FAQ-834 Does Origin comply with Title 21 CFR Part 11?
FAQ-850 How to set the font size to Number N just like that in Microsoft Office?
FAQ-853 The Plot Menu does not Display Correctly
FAQ-857 How to create custom menus?
FAQ-873 How do I remove the recently-used menu items?
FAQ-880 How to increase the number of undos?
FAQ-887 Origin Central or App Center Fails to Open or Script Error Occurs
FAQ-897 Saving Origin Files to a Folder Synced to Google Drive via Backup and Sync
FAQ-906 What should I do if my Origin is slow or sluggish?
FAQ-912 Restoring Display of Folders in Lower Panel of Project Explorer
FAQ-917 Origin 2018 No Longer Works Properly After Moving User Files Folder from Network Location
FAQ-920 How can I use English in reports and graphs when Origin is running in non-English OS?
FAQ-922 Preventing Corruption of Origin Files When Sending Via Email
FAQ-923 Error when trying to edit an Origin graph in MS Word: "The program used to create this object is Origin95"
FAQ-924 Why can't I highlight a column or range of data in one of my worksheets?
FAQ-926 Can I control which window displays in File Explorer Icon Views and Preview pane?
FAQ-930 Why my Windows freezes or crashes on Origin startup or during running, or Origin doesn't function properly?
FAQ-932 Why does Origin declare the saving file is read-only?
FAQ-938 How do I reset registry-based system variables to default values?
FAQ-955 What do I do when a dialog is too tall for my screen?
FAQ-981 How do I share projects with users of older versions?
FAQ-982 I see an error when trying to use LaTex App. What should I do?
FAQ-983 What's the difference between missing values and blank cells?
FAQ-1000 How to reset the size and position of a dialog or Script Window?
FAQ-1027 How to insert pdf file or doc file into Origin?
FAQ-1030 How do I turn Mini Toolbars off or on?
FAQ-1071 What's the file searching rules in Origin?
FAQ-1079 What should I do when project cannot save with Excel book?
FAQ-1087 What should I do if my GUI customization is lost EACH TIME on start up
FAQ-1094 What should I do if Origin not responding when exporting graphs or choosing menu?
FAQ-1096 After upgrade, File: Open Excel and File: New Excel are missing
FAQ-1097 After upgrade, the Import toolbar buttons for Import Single ASCII and Import Excel open different dialog boxes
FAQ-1113 Does Log4j Java Vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 affect Origin?
FAQ-1127 Opening a file synced to OneDrive triggers error: The file is damaged
FAQ-1153 Script Window opens, reports "err saving <object>"
FAQ-1161 What should I do if the preview image of project file is not displayed in Windows Explorer?
FAQ-1165 Why my Origin workspace or child windows becomes tiny when save and open my project in different monitor resolutions?
FAQ-1169 Can I pull individual windows such as graphs and worksheets out of the main Origin interface and float them on a second monitor?
FAQ-1170 Can I pin a window so it always stays on top even when I switch to another folder?
FAQ-1190 How to turn on/off Dark Mode?
FAQ-1200 What happens if I open an OriginPro Project in Standard Origin?
FAQ-1206 How to recalculate all operations in current project?
FAQ-1213 Origin process remains after closing Origin. What should I do?
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