File Exchange > Graphing >    Taylor Diagram

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Taylor Diagram.opx
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Create taylor diagram for facilitating the comparative assessment of different models.

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  • Purpose
    This app is capable of creating taylor diagram for facilitating the comparative assessment of different models.
  • Installation
    Download the file "Taylor Diagram.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
  • Operation
    Activate a worksheet with reference data selected, then click the app icon in the Apps gallery window, then a dialog will be brought up, and then choose test data, and set correlation coefficient range, and click OK button to create Taylor diagram.
  • Dialog Settings:
  1. Reference Data: Specify reference data for comparison.
  2. Test Data: Specify test data of different models, and will compare with reference data.
  3. Correlation Coefficient Range: Specify the range of correlation coefficient, and it can be Auto, 0, 1, or -1, 1. If Auto, it will be depend on the result of correlation coefficient.
  4. Reference Line: Set Color, Thickness and Style for reference line.
  5. Labels for RMS Concentric Circles: If to specify labels for RMS concentric circles.
  6. Labels from Column: If checked, specified labels are from column, otherwise, type labels in Labels (Separated by |) control, and separate each label by "|".
  7. Labels (Seperated by |): The specified labels.
  8. Label Column: Specify the column where the labels are from.
  9. Output Range: Where to output the result data.


7/18/2023, v1.2, fix bug of too many contours
12/29/2020, v1.1, features for customizing reference line, concentric circle label, rescale according to data

Reviews and Comments:

01/07/2025jinhuizhengReally useful!

12/26/2024hcitakogluVery nice graphics

12/26/2024OriginLabHi smy1027,
If you want to change the angular scale's from&to, you can double click at the tick label to open Axis dialog and go to Scale tab and change the settings. You need to change:
1. the Units from Degrees to Custom, and set Circle Start/End Value. These two value are calculated by a mapping formular to map [-1,1] to your data range
2. change From/To
3. change Major Ticks' Position
If you want further support, please send your detail question to our support team by sending a ticket in this page:
OriginLab Tech Support

12/25/2024smy1027Hello! Because the correlation coefficients of my data are all very large, above 0.9, but I want to compare their relationships. Can the range of correlation coefficients on the circular scale be manually adjusted (i.e. while keeping the circular shape or a quarter-circle, the starting value is not 0 but set by myself)?

11/15/2024mjavariTaylor Diagram


10/14/2024OriginLabHi, Buwen

The standard deviation of reference data is calculated from data. I am afraid that Origin does not support manually setting it to a specific value.

10/01/2024BuwenHi,Can I set the standard deviation of reference data to 1? Maybe like the Normalization? I don't know how to do. Please help me.

01/27/2024naqashtaroobwhen clicking on nay of the is not working