File Exchange > Graphing >    Send Graphs to PowerPoint

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Send Graph...nt.opx
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Send graphs to PowerPoint as picture or embedded object.

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  • Purpose
    This app can be used to send specified graphs to PowerPoint slides. Each graph will be pasted into one slide in the PowerPoint file.
    Note: Microsoft Office must be available. If the version of Office is 2007, Office has to be upgraded to SP2.
  • Installation
    Download the file "Send Graphs to PowerPoint.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
  • Operation
    Click the app icon in the Apps gallery window. A dialog will open, offering the following settings.
    1. Select Graphs:
      All graphs in the active folder in Origin will be listed by default in the graph list on the left panel.
      Click the triangle button to select graphs. Options include:
      • All in Active Folder: All graphs in the active folder will list in the graph list.
      • All in Active Folder (Open): All graphs in the active folder but not include hidden graphs will list in the graph list.
      • All in Favorites Folder: All graphs in the favorites folder will list in the graph list.
      • All in Project: All graphs in the project will list in the graph list.
      • Active Page: Only the active page will list in the graph list.
      • Specified: This item will bring up the Graph Browser dialog for specifying the graphs based on the current graph list.
      • Include Recursive Folder: Checkable menu item, if checked, the graphs in the recursive subfolder will also be included.
      • Include Embedded Graphs: Checkable menu item, if checked, the embedded graphs will also be included.
    2. Graph List
      The graphs in this list will be exported to PowerPoint.
      You can re-order the graphs by clicking and dragging the icons.
      You can hover on an icon and then press the delete icon to remove that particular graph from the list.
    3. Add to Favorites Folder 
      Specify whether the selected graphs should also be added to the Favorites folder in Origin's Project Explorer, when you click the Send button.
      None will do nothing.
      Add will add shortcuts of the graphs in the list to the Favorites folder.
      Update will clear the current Favorites, and then add shortcuts of the graphs in the list to the Favorites folder.
    4. Preference Tab
      • Insert Graph as: Specify whether to place the graphs as a picture or as an embedded object in PowerPoint.
      • Slide Margin: Specify the margin for the graph within the PowerPoint slide, in percentage units.
      • Keep Aspect Ratio: If checked, the aspect ratio of the graph will be maintained.
      • Slides Sized For: Options include Default, On-screen Show (4:3), Letter Paper (8.5x11 in), Ledger Paper (11x17 in), A3 Paper (297x420 mm), A4 Paper (210x297 mm), B4 (ISO) Paper (250x353 mm), B5 (ISO) Paper (176x250 mm), 35mm Slides, Overhead, Banner, On-screen Show (16:9), On-screen Show (16:10), and Custom.
      • Width x Height: Specify width and height of slides when Slides Sized For is Custom.
      • Slides Orientation: Specify orientation of slides, portrait or landscape.
      • Title Line: Specify title to be displayed on top of the inserted graph in the PowerPoint slides.
        None will not add any title. Top of Slide will display title at the top of screen, and Bottom of Slide will display title at the bottom of screen.
      • Title: This is available when Title Line is not None. It specifies what should be used as the exported graph title in each slide.
        Option list includes:
        • Custom: Use a customized string (supports LabTalk substitution notation) as title. If this option is selected, you can select built-in substitution notation from the context menu.
        • Window Short Name: Use the short name of each graph window as title.
        • Window Long Name: Use the long name of each graph window as title.
        • Window Short and Long Name: Use the short name and long name of each graph window as title.
        • Window Path: Use the file path of each graph window in Project Explorer as title.
      • Starting Slide Index: Define the starting slide index number in the PowerPoint presentation file. Graphs will be inserted starting from this slide.
        If End is checked, graphs will be appended at the end of the PowerPoint file.
      • Load File/Template (optional): Specify a PowerPoint template or PPT/PPTX  file into which the graphs should be placed.
      • Save File as (optional): Specify the path and name of the PowerPoint Presentation file (*.ppt, *.pptx, *.pptm), PowerPoint Show (*.pps, *.ppsx, *.ppsm) or Design Template (*.pot, *.potx, *.potm) to be saved. Slides will be exported to this file.
      • Slide Mode: Specify the slide mode for exported graphs. This is available when End is not checked.
        Start New will start new slide for each exported graph, from the specified Starting Slide Index, by duplicating that particular slide.
        Overlay Existing will replace existing slide(s).
      • Add Metadata to Alt Text: If checked, the Project Path, PE Folder of the graph and graph's Short Name will be added to alt text of the graph in PowerPoint.
      • Send to Opened PPT File: This check box is available only if PowerPoint is already open. Checking this box allows the graphs to be inserted into the open PPT/PPTX file.
        The graphs will be inserted after the active slide in the file. You can override this by specifying slide number using the Starting Slide Index control.
      • PPT File Name: This drop-down will be available only if PowerPoint is already open.
        If multiple PPT/PPTX files are open, this drop-down lets you select which file to insert the graphs into.
    5. Save Settings Tab: Save the current settings to a specified name. You can also set the saved settings as User Default settings for the future.
    6. Apply Settings Tab: Lists all available settings. You can choose one to apply, or set as User Default, or delete (Note: System Default Settings cannot be deleted).
      When the dialog is brought up, a settings will be applied by default, if User Default Settings exists.
      If not, the tool will use the Last Settings, and if Last Settings does not exist either, tool will use System Default Settings.


v1.95 9/27/2024 Update dark mode
v1.92 8/23/2023 Dark mode
v1.91 5/4/2023 Localization for pop-up dialogs
v1.89 3/31/2023 Add aspect ratio option
v1.81 4/12/2021 Export layout as picture internally
v1.72 12/31/2020 Built-in button will launch this app.
v1.71 12/16/2020 Improved default dialog size.
v1.7: Fixed bug for applying empty settings
v1.6: Keep ppt opened after sending graphs to active/open ppt file
v1.5: Support for sending graphs to active/open file in PowerPoint
v1.4: Chinese version
v1.3: Support for adding metadata to alternative text
v1.2: Add hint for export large graph as embedded object
v1.1: Fixed bugs related to saving and applying settings

Reviews and Comments:
12/30/2024jnulwWhy do I get an error when exporting: Unknown function SENDGRAPHSTOPOWERPOINT(NDEFAULTTYPE, STRDEFAULTPA)?




The app used to work great, but lately the export to PPT does not work. It only opens a white page in PPT but does not add the figure. When double clicking on already existing Origin plots in old PPTs, however, the file gets opened in Origin.

Hi again,
Do you use Origin 2021 or older version? If so, the upgraded App cannot support the old version, please upgrade your Origin.

11/06/2024 Perfect! Worked as expected.

We cannot reproduce the problem here. Could you please provide us with detailed steps of how to see the problem? You can send email from below:

08/22/2024 The app used to work great, but lately the export to PPT does not work. It only opens a white page in PPT but does not add the figure. When double clicking on already existing Origin plots in old PPTs, however, the file gets opened in Origin.


05/22/2024npaudyal97I really love this app. But ever since the update, I keep on getting this error.

Automation error: (80048240) Microsoft PowerPoint: Shapes.PasteSpecial : Invalid request.