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DOE: Design an experiment, fit a model to experimental data, and find best factor settings that optimize responses.

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This DOE app helps you determine the relationship between factors affecting a process and the output of that process.

You can use it to design an experiment, analyze experimental data and optimize output.


  • Various types of designed experiments to help you create a design.
  • Customization of design table by replication, randomization, blocking, etc.
  • Fit of mathematical model to data from test runs.
  • Diagnostic statistics and graphs to help you interpret the results.
  • Optimization of response after defining factor constraints.

      Updates since OriginPro 2024:

  • Support available design for 2-level factorial and central composite design (with default parameters).
  • Save and load design parameters for Power and Sample Size and Create Design.

       Please read this blog to learn the updates.

      Updates since OriginPro 2025:

  • Definitive screening design.
  • Quick and easy to add terms or remove terms from model via recalculation.
  • Simultaneously optimize multiple responses, each with a different model.



The app requires R software (minimum required version 4.2.0) and packages (rsm, FrF2, qpcR, daewr, car).

For Origin version older than 2020b:

  1. Install R or upgrade it before installing the App (download R from here).
  2. Download the file DOE.opx, and drag-and-drop the file onto Origin workspace to install the App.
  3. The App will start downloading dependent R packages. Wait a few minutes until it is completed.

For Origin 2020b and later versions:

  1. Run Origin as administrator. Download the file DOE.opx and install it by choosing Tools->Package Manager->Tools->Install a Package.
  2. After App installation, a pop-up dialog will ask if you agree to download and install R software before it proceeds. (If automatic downloading fails, you can install the App again or download R from here.)
  3. Still in Admin mode, click the installed DOE in Apps Gallary window once to install dependent R packages for DOE. Wait a few minutes until it is completed.

Note: If downloading packages fails, a pop-up dialog will ask you to copy 2 lines of commands from Results Log and run them in R to complete downloading packages. 
          If you reinstall or upgrade R after installing the app, it would not work properly. Please reinstall the app.


Click the app icon to open the dialog with 4 buttons. Click one of them to open a dialog. 

  • Power and Sample Size

    Determine sample sizes before creating a design. Calculate power for a given sample size or sample sizes for given power values.

  • Define Custom Design

    Create a design from data in the worksheet. The following types of design are supported.

    • Definitive Screening Design

    • Factorial Design

    • Response Surface Design
  • Create Design

    Identify factors and levels for each factor. Use techniques of the design to create a design table that makes the experiment cost-effective. Conduct a series of experiments and collect response data for each run in the table. The following types of design are supported.

    • Definitive Screening Design

    • Factorial Design
      • 2-Level Factorial
      • Plackett-Burman
      • General Full Factorial
    • Response Surface Design
      • Central Composite
      • Box-Behnken
  • Analyze Design

    Fit a model to data collected using the design. Evaluate which factors have a significant impact on the response. You can interpret the relationship between factors and response through a variety of analytical tools and graph tools.

  • Optimize Response

    Determine what levels of factors should be to achieve a desired response. You can choose goals like minimize, maximize and target to optimize. Put constraints on factor levels before optimization.

Help File

This app provides a help file that introduces design of experiments and explains dialog settings. Click ? button in dialog or press F1 to open it.

Sample OPJU File

This app provides a sample OPJU file and a data file. Right click on the app icon in the Apps Gallery window, and choose Show Samples Folder from the short-cut menu. A folder will open. Drag-and-drop the project file DOE Sample.opju from the folder onto Origin. The Notes window in the project shows detailed steps.
Note: If you wish to save the OPJU after changing, it is recommended that you save to a different folder location (e.g. User Files Folder).



v2.04:2/21/2025 Define custom design. Support weight of desirability function. Add notes for prediction table.
v1.78:1/20/2025 Update localization.
v1.77:1/10/2025 Output VIF in coefficient table.
v1.76:12/13/2024 Fix contour plot bug with comma separator.
v1.75:11/19/2024 Fix means table missing value bug.
v1.72:11/8/2024 Definitive screening design. Change parameter to add terms or remove terms from model. Simultaneously optimize multiple responses, each with a different model.
v1.4:6/26/2024 Change package location.
v1.39:6/6/2024 Remove alr3 package.
v1.38:5/8/2024 Fix hint bug of custom generator.
v1.37:12/23/2023 Fix central composite design bugs.
v1.36:12/18/2023 Fix incorrect coefficients tag.
v1.35:12/05/2023 Update help file.
v1.34:11/22/2023 Remove setting file upon uninstallation.
v1.33:11/14/2023 Support available design list (default parameters) for 2-level factorial and central composite design. Support saving and loading design parameters.

Reviews and Comments:
03/28/2025OriginLabHi, longas2000

Thank you for your comment. We will implement it in a future release of the DOE app.

03/26/2025longas2000Is it possible to obtain the Final Equation in Terms of Actual Factors (original units)? Only the Coded Coefficients table is generated (analysis section). Thanks.

03/14/2025OriginLabHi DDietrich271,
One More thing:
In the coefficient table, the categorical factor are referenced with the lower value. If the coefficient is negative, it means lower value has negative effect and higher value has positive effect. So the main effect should be positive.

03/14/2025OriginLabHi DDietrich271,
The categorical factor names are followed with the values. Maybe you set -1 for the factor. You can share your data with us, so we can check if it is a bug or not.
The main effects are fitted means of a factor over all valid terms(say A for A, A*B etc). It could be different from the direction of the coefficient. The correct interpretation of main effects is that the steeper the trend is, the more main effect the factor has.
We used to NOT support effect plot(pareto plot) for general full factorial. We have improve it in the next version, which will be released in a couple of days.
Regarding the analysis not generated in a new window as before, it is because we received advice from distributors that it is difficult to find the source design data when there are multiple worksheet pages. So this is by design.
In addition, would you please send us your sample data?


03/13/2025DDietrich271Since the last update i encountered some bugs (2L FF Analysis):
Uncoded Coefficents Table:
-Behind the Names of the factors there is a random -1
-The "Values" are negative despite the Main effects plot clearly showing positve trends

Despite selecting to generate the Pareto Bar Plot (Main Effects), it is not generated.

Additionally it is annoying that the analysis is not generated in a new window as before, but in the same window as sheets. This makes re-analyzing the data more complicated.




09/29/2024gvrao10Later. I downloaded it just today
Am yet to use it. When many say it is good, it must be good.Thanks.

09/28/2024gvrao10I a. Yet to go through.