Python (External)ExternalPython
OriginLab provides three packages for interacting with Origin from external Python (not the embedded Python interpreter built into Origin). They are available on the Python Package Index.
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This package contains a high-level API for interacting with the Origin software via the Origin Automation Server COM interface (it uses the OriginExt package behind the scenes). Functionality includes (but is not limited to) reading, writing, and modifying data and creating and exporting graphs. An instance of Origin is launched (either visible or hidden) when using this package.
This package shares the same API as the originpro package that is included with Origin and meant to be used with the embedded Python interpreter. This makes moving code between external Python and the embedded interpreter easy. Differences are discussed in the External Python Code Samples page.
This package is Windows only and requires a local installation of Origin 2021 or later software.
/Tip_icon.png?v=21427) | Developers are strongly encouraged to use the external originpro package rather than the other two packages for interacting with Origin. It provides an easier, more Pythonic API that increases productivity while abstracting away the intricacies of the underlying APIs.
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This package is a low-level API for interacting with the Origin software via the Origin Automation Server COM interface. An instance of Origin is launched (either visible or hidden) when using this package. This package is largely undocumented and support is limited.
This package is Windows only and requires a local installation of Origin 2021 or later software.
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This package is a low-level API for interacting with the OrgLab COM interface. It does not launch an instance of Origin but provides a faster, yet more limited1, API than the OriginExt package. This package is also largely undocumented and support is limited.
This package is Windows only and requires that the Orglab COM library be installed locally.
(1) Limitations: project files cannot be opened, no LabTalk execution.