File Exchange > Import and Export >    Movie Creator

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Movie Creator.opx
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Create video for a graph by changing plotted data

Screen Shot and Video:

This app creates .avi short videos by plotting data points or by adding/changing data onto your graph (works on general 2D graphs only).

Download the file "Movie Creator.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.


  • Create a simple 2D plot.
    • To make a video that adds or changes the plotted data, select only the first X-Y dataset (i.e. select Col(A) and Col(B)) to create a graph.
  • Activate the graph window.
  • Select the Movie Creator App icon to open the dialog.
  • The Target Graph specifies which graph window will be added or changed corresponding to the dataset.
  • Open the Animation Pattern drop down tab.
    • Input a value for Speed (i.e. 0.1) to specify how many seconds will play for each step. An increase in Speed increases the length of the time frame.
    • Input a value for Padding time to specify how many seconds to delay the start of the video.
    • Under Animation Pattern three options are available:
      • Show/Hide Points sets the movie to show the targeted graph by plotting each data point at every time step (specified from Speed).
        • Note: If multiple plots are present in the target graph, the video will plot both graphs at the same time.
      • Change Data Plot sets the movie to show the initial target graph at time = 0 sec. After each time step, the graph changes the plot to display the next dataset. Similar to what is shown in the example picture.
      • Add Data Plot sets the movie to show the initial targeted graph at time = 0 sec. After each time step, an additional plot from each dataset is added to the graph.
        • Each plot that is added to the graph is added as a group setting within the Layer contents.
  • Select Video Export to export the video as .avi file. You can also choose to view the video in Origin within the target graph by un-selecting the Video Export tab.
  • Select OK.


  • Depending on the settings selected, the target graph may change to the final plot showed in your video. Therefor you may want to duplicate your initial target graph before creating a video.
  • If you select Add Data Plot under Animation pattern, each dataset will be plotted with a different color. The color used for each plot is specified from the Current System Theme setting. To change your Current System Theme setting, Select Tools from the Menu bar and select Theme Organizer.
  • You can change your axis parameters so that the axis stays fixed or changes during the video. Before creating the video, double click the axis, Select the Scale tab and select Rescale.



v1.01: Fixed a bug when flipping through worksheets with different size.
V1.2: Add new mode to read a list of existing graphs and flip through
V1.21: Bug Fix.

Reviews and Comments:
12/04/2023jiong1991Great tool! If will be perfect if multiple columns/layers could be included. Many thanks!

11/21/2022ahelmerExactly what I needed. No frame-by-frame graph video making anymore. Beautiful.


04/12/2021Antoniocfsextremely useful tool! specially for presentations


12/20/2017sugukevery good but i can't find the app icon

11/29/2017scofiedysvery good

04/09/2017lsiNice Apps!