1.155 FAQ-804 How to troubleshoot exporting EPS/PDF problemsexport-pdf-prob
Last Update: 4/23/2023
 | OriginLab recommends SVG for exporting as a vector. SVG is a customizable, high quality, and lightweight web standard vector format that is great for digital displays.
Journals that accept PDF/EPS typically accept SVG.
If you are unable to use SVG and must export as PDF or EPS, then exporting to these formats will work fine. However, there may be certain features in the graphs, or specific issues that may not work well. Here are a few instances:
- Transparency: PDF/EPS export may have issues with transparency when opened by other graph editor such as Photoshop, llustrator and Coreldraw.
- Turn off transparency settings in the graph, OR
- You can export graph as PDF and open it in Photoshop, or eport as EMF and then edit it in PPT.
- Font issues:
- Text may be distorted or squished in the PDF/EPS export.
- Set variable @TO = 2 by typing
@TO = 2 in Command Window or Script Window and hit Enter to temporarily force Origin to draw text object using polygons.
- Refresh the window to see the effect. After that, export the graph again. The font distortion should gone.
Please note that:
After setting @TO = 2 the text on the exported images cannot be further edited in other software such as Adobe Illustrator, etc. In this case, you can set a high resolution (600 or higher) in Export Graphs dialog for a good quality of the exported graph.
- To make sure the text in the exported EPS or PDF file is editable, follow the settings on this page.
- When exporting graph as EPS/PDF format, it is highly recommended to select Always Use True Type for Font in the Export Graphs dialog.
- 3D OpenGL issue: 3D OpenGL graph CANNOT be exported as a "real" vector format.
Solution: You can set a high resolution for demostration. See this page for details.
- Remote Desktop issue: When exporting graphs with embedding fonts as PDFs in Remote Desktop, you may notice the embedded fonts are missing in the exported PDF files.
Solution: Refer to this page for a solution.
- Legend issue: After export graph as vector format (PDF, EPS, EMF), you may find the position or size of the legend in the exported image different from the graph in Origin, it may be caused by the different DPI Resolution between the exported image and the graph page in Origin.
Solution: Refer to this page to troubleshoot the problem.
- Graph object issue: If you export graphs with objects (arrow, rectangle, line, etc.) as SVG or EPS format, you may find the position or size of the graph objects in the exported image is not the same as in Origin. For example, the object size becomes extremely large, or object shifts from the original position.
Solution: Refer to this page to troubleshoot the problem.
 | If you encounter an issue not mentioned above,
To edit the exported vector image files in other software such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW, please try one of the following:
- Export the graph as SVG/EMF format.
- Print the graph as PDF. That is, select File: Print and then choose Adobe PDF or other PDF printer from the Print> Name drop-down list.
Keywords:EPS, export, graph, image, photoshop, illustrator, AI, PS, PDF, Font Distortion