File Exchange > Data Connector >    Excel Connector

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Connect the Origin project to an Excel file from a file or web site.

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  • Installation
    • This App is pre-installed in Origin. You can launch it from the Data menu or from the App icon on the Connectors tab of the Apps Gallery, located at the right-side of the Origin workspace.
    • If you do not see the menu command or App icon, click Data: Connect to File: Add New.... The App Center opens listing only Connector Apps. Click the Download and Install button to install an App.


  • Features
    • Excel Import Options
      • Excel Sheet: Specify which sheet to be imported.
      • Main header lines: Specify how many lines at the top of the Excel sheet to be considered as file main header. When this value is an integer bigger than 0, "Save file header to" option will be available to allow you to choose where the main header lines put to, and it can be worksheet label area or workbook organizer.
      • Data has column name: If checked, the first row next to main header lines (if there's any) will be imported as Long Name in worksheet.
      • Data has units: If checked, the first row next to column name will be imported as Units in worksheet. If Data has column name is not checked, this option is not available.
      • Comment lines after names/units: This is available if Data has column name/units is checked. You can specify the comment location either by lines after names or lines after units. There's no comment row if set to 0.
      • Save file header to: This is available if Main header lines is bigger than 0. It specifies where the main header lines put to.
  • Basic Usage
  1. With the worksheet active, click on the Data menu. If you are connecting to a file on your PC or network, click Connect to File: Excel and choose your file. If you are connecting to a web file, choose Data: Connect to Web and enter a URL and click OK.
  2. In the Excel Import Options dialog, choose the Excel Sheet to import, and change other settings accordingly and click OK.
  3. Once a connector is added, click the connector icon in the upper-left corner of the book to open a popup menu with various commands.
  4. By default, connector-imported data are NOT saved with the project file. To save a book's data with the project file, click the connector icon in the upper-left corner for that book and uncheck Exclude Imported When Saving. Note that each book has its own Exclude setting.


v2.24 11/8/2024 Supported to import all sheets.
v2.17 4/24/2023 Separate DC menu to connect to new or connect by duplicate to new.
v2.15 5/9/2022 Supported header auto detection.
v1.92 4/8/2021 Supported sparkline and partial import.
v1.86 10/21/2020 Fixed reimport issues.
v1.83 5/15/2020 Fixed drag and drop bug for empty sheet.
v1.82 4/26/2020 Fixed bugs.
v1.8 4/17/2020 Supported data navigator.
v1.6 10/17/2019 Better meta data options.

Reviews and Comments:
10/17/2024wwfg77778its better feed baker

10/17/2024wwfg77778its better feed baker



08/22/2024dan_liProvide professional data analysis visualization for my paper

04/01/2024prakashkadamgood application


07/31/2023OriginLabHi HABIYAKARE Erneste,
Please submit a ticket with details about the issue you met.

07/29/2023HABIYAKARE ErnesteIt is not working well
