1.103 FAQ-622 How can I create a double Y column plot, so that the two column series have Y-axis of their own?

Last Update: 9/4/2022

If you have XYY data and want to create a double Y column plot (i.e. shared X axis, individual Y axes and side-by-side display), you could follow the steps below:

Method 1: One Layer

Highlight the XYY data and select Plot > Multi-Panel/Axis: Double-Y Column to create a double Y column plot directly. All these two column plots will be plotted into one layer but base on different Y axes.

Method 2: Two Layers

Highlight the XYY data and select Plot > Multi-Panel/Axis : 2Ys Column to create a 2 Ys column plot. These two column plots will be plotted into different layers with different Y axis.

Keywords:Bar Plot, Grouped Plot, Plot Offset, Multi-Axis, gap