1.192 FAQ-893 I see an "Out of Memory" error message when I copy page to PowerPoint? What is wrong?

Last Update: 5/20/2024

When you copy a graph and paste to PowerPoint as an OLE object, you might get an error message:
"There isn't enough memory to perform the operation."

Actually, when you copy page from a graph and paste it as an Origin Graph Object into PowerPoint, the generated EMF file(saved within the PPT file) might be larger than 23M. Then, this error will occur.

But, this issue is none of Origin's business, it is a validated problem in PowerPoint.

To avoid this problem, you can

  • Use menu Edit: Copy Graph as Image instead to copy and paste the page as a picture.


  • Use menu Edit:Copy Page but paste it as a picture in PowerPoint.

Keywords:out of memory, PPT, PowerPoint, EMF, copy page, paste link, paste image