1.283 FAQ-1149 How to Create a Double-Y Line Series Plot?

Last Update: 6/6/2024

For the graph type "Line Series", sometimes the source data columns might have different data ranges, plotting them onto same axis scale will make the line relationship difficult to be observed.

FAQ Double Y Line Series 01.png

In this case, you might desire to scale two sides according to different Y axes.

Since Origin 2023, Origin supports to show two Y axes with different axis scales in one layer. Then, you can turn on right Y axis and make the right side endpoints base on it.

FAQ Double Y Line Series 02.png

Then the right side endpoints will be rescaled to show points within its own data range.

FAQ Double Y Line Series 03.png

Keywords:Double-Y, line series, 2Ys, two Y axes, axis scale, rigth Y