1.29 FAQ-144 What are the different ways by which I can add data plots to an existing graph?

Last Update: 11/18/2024

Drag and Drop

This method applies to most worksheet-derived 2D and 3D graphs:

  1. Go to the worksheet window and select your dataset(s).
  2. Mouse over the left or right edge of your selection and when the cursor looks like this Drag and drop mouse.png, drag-and-drop data from the sheet into the target graph layer. For more info, see Adding Data by Drag and Drop.
Drag Drop Add Plot.gif

Copy and Paste Plot from Workbook/Matrix

This method applies to basic 2D and 3D graphs derived from worksheet or matrix:

  1. Go to the worksheet/matrix window and select your dataset(s). A mini toolbar will appear. Click Copy for Plotting button Copy for plotting button.png
  2. Activate the target graph window, select menu Edit: Paste, or press Ctrl + V key to plot the copied data into the active layer.
Copy plot from wkb.gif

Insert: Plot to Layer

This method works for 2D Line, Scatter, Line + Symbol, Column and Area graphs only:

  1. Go to the worksheet window and select your dataset(s).
  2. Return to the graph window, make sure that the target layer is active layer,
  3. Choose Insert: Plot to Layer: Plot Type.
Add Plot To Layer.gif

Layer Contents Dialog

  1. Double-click the layer icon in the upper-left corner of the graph. Or, click blank area inside layer frame and select Add plot button on the mini toolbar that appears.
  2. Use the Layer Contents dialog to add data to the layer. For more information, see this video tutorial:

Layer Contents; or see this topic in the User Guide.

Layer contents.gif

Plot Setup Dialog

  1. Right-click on the target layer icon in the upper-left corner of the graph and choose Plot Setup.
  2. Select Worksheet(s) on upper panel.
  3. Select target layer on bottom panel.
  4. Set columns as X, Y, Error, etc. in middle panel.
  5. Click Add button.
Plot setup.gif

For help with the Plot Setup dialog box, see Adding, Removing, Replacing or Hiding Data Plots with the Plot Setup Dialog Box; or see this video.

Copy and Paste Plot from Existing Graph

This method is for simple 2D plots only:

  1. To copy a plot from an existing graph window and paste it into the same or another window, click once on the plot and press CTRL+C.
    click once on the plot and select Copy Plot button Button Copy Plot.png in the mini toolbar that appears.
  2. Click on the target graph layer and press CTRL+V.
Copy plot.gif

For more information, see Adding Data by Copying and Pasting a Plot.

Note: These methods do not apply to graph types that are generated using some intermediary calculation (e.g. box charts, histograms, 3D stacked bars, etc.).

Keywords:layer, content, multiple, curve