1.76 FAQ-205 What is the difference between 2D and 3D waterfall plot?

Last Update: 2/18/2019

The 2D waterfall plot is created from menu item Plot>3D:Waterfall. The 3D waterfall plot is created from Plot>3D:3D Waterfall. Both support Y or Z color mapping.

The 2D waterfall is a pseudo-3D plot. Most of the customization options are similar to a 2D plot. You cannot change the projection and the graph cannot be rotated. You can't set axis break in 2D waterfall.

The 3D waterfall is an OpenGL-based 3D plot, most of the customization options are similar to 3D OpenGL plot. You can rotate or stretch the plot. It supports two projection modes, Perspective or Orthographic. You can control the projection in the Miscellaneous tab of the Plot Details dialog. You can also set axis break in 3D waterfall.

Keywords:2D waterfall, 3D waterfall, skew, projection, rotate, stretch, 3D transform

Minimum Origin Version Required: 9.1 SR0