5.12 FAQ-351 What is a dialog theme?

Last Update: 5/21/2024

Dialog themes provide a way for you to save the settings in the dialog to an external disk file for future use. You can save multiple theme files for a dialog, thus customizing the dialog to be used in different modes with different data. Theme files get saved to the User Files in \Themes\AnalysisAndReportTable.

In any dialog that supports Themes, click the triangle button to the right of Dialog Theme to access a fly-out menu of items to manage dialog themes.

Depending on the dialog, and whether the dialog is accessible from a menu, custom themes you save from your dialog may appear as additional fly-out items in the main menu. Themes chosen in a submenu execute without opening the dialog unless the Shift key is held down. The theme can also be selected from the Dialog Theme fly-out at the top of the dialog.

Settings used last time the dialog was operated, are saved as <last used> theme. Depending on how the dialog is launched from the menu, either the default theme, or the last used theme, or a named theme is loaded when opening the dialog.

Dialogs that support theme saving also have an option for saving your settings as the default. Select the Save as <Default> fly-out menu option to save your settings as the new default. You can roll back the default settings to internal/system defaults any time by using the System Default option in the fly-out menu.

See Also

Keywords:settings, save, saving, repeat, default, custom, configure