5.80 FAQ-1097 After upgrade, the Import toolbar buttons for Import Single ASCII and Import Excel open different dialog boxes

Last Update: 4/9/2021

FAQ 1097 Import toolbar change.png

Data Connectors are Origin's newest import mechanism. As users have transitioned to Connectors in place of the older X-Function based routines, OriginLab made the decision to re-code the Import Single ASCII Button Import Single ASCII.png and Import Excel Button Import Excel.png buttons on the Import toolbar to give direct access to Text/CSV and Excel Data Connectors. This change was made with the release of Origin 2021b.

To roll back this change so that one or both of the older X-Function based import routines are re-associated with these toolbar buttons, change the value of system variable @TIB.

@TIB = 1; // open impASC with "Import Single ASCII" button
@TIB = 2; // open impMSExcel with "Import Excel" button
@TIB = 3; // reconnect both impASC and impMSExcel to toolbar buttons

For information on changing the value of a system variable, see this FAQ.

Keywords:upgrade, Data Connector, data import, system variable, 2021b