6.59 FAQ-886 How do I get my Product Key?

Last Update: 12/30/2024

Note: Only node-locked license type (serial number is xFxxx-6xxx-70/71/72xxxxx) needs a product key to activate Origin.

If you newly purchased Origin and haven't registered it yet

If you have a single-user license

After purchasing, you will receive an email containing your Origin serial number and a registration link.

  1. Clicking the registration link will go to the OriginLab website. Log in.
  2. After logging in, your registration code and serial number information will be displayed on the web page. Click the Register button to register this serial number and generate product keys.

If you are given the Registration Code instead of the registration link,

  1. Log into originlab.com.
  2. On the Welcome page or User Profile page, click Manage my License(s).
  3. On the Manage my License(s) page, click Already have Registration code? and enter the Registration Code and click Continue button to register this serial number and generate product keys.

Refer to this page for more details.

If you are the administrator of a group-user license
  1. As the administrator, you should be the first person to register the serial number and set up the mechanism of how to deploy product keys. Please refer to this page for detailed steps to register and deploy product keys.
If your organization purchase a group-user license and you are one of the members entitled to use it
  1. Please contact Origin administrator or IT department of your organization for the product key.

If you registered your serial number already

Refer to this page.

If you upgrade from Origin 2016 or earlier version to 2017

  1. Log into originlab.com.
  2. On the Welcome page, click Maintenance Center.
  3. In the Origin Maintenance Center, click Registration for Auto-upgrading to Newest Version.
  4. On the My Registration List page, all serial numbers available for upgrade are listed. Choose the desired serial number and click its Register Product link.
  5. Your registration code and serial number information will be displayed on the web page. Click the Register button to register and generate product keys.

If you upgraded from Origin 2017 to 2018 or higher versions

Starting from Origin 2018, all subsequent versions share the same licenses, which means that the newer version will inherit all license from the old version, along with their product keys and usage status.

If you have a single-user license

The Product Key of the new version is the same as that of Origin 2017.

If you are the administrator of a group-user license

Your serial number will be upgraded to the newer version automatically. All license related settings of the previous version (including the mechanism to deploy the product keys and the email fragments) will be applied to the newer version. You can inform your users the upgrade when you are ready. The following are steps to find product keys.

  1. Log into originlab.com.
  2. Click Manage My License(s) link under your portal
  3. Select the desired serial number link. Note that its version is upgraded automatically.
  4. Click you can see all product keys here link. You can then check the product key information on the web page that opens.

If you are the user of a group-user license

The Product Key of the new version is the same as that of Origin 2017.

Keywords:licensing, node-locked, single-user, multi-user, installation, auto upgrade, registration