6.78 FAQ-1090 Why I see LastErr:1, LastErr:122 or LastErr:401 when activate Origin?

Last Update: 6/5/2024

If you get Error Code LastErr:1, LastErr:122 or LastErr:401 when activate your Origin,

ErrorCode Lic LE.png

To fix this problem,

  • Please first check if Origin's User Files Folder (you can open it by menu Help: Open Folder) is set on a cloud-syncing service such as OneDrive, Dropbox or Google Drive. If so, please move it to local.
    Note: Refer to this page for how to change the User Files Folder.
  • If the User Files Folder is set in local, please try following solution:
    1. Close Origin if it is still running.
    2. Open windows browser to folder: C:\ProgramData\OriginLab.
    3. Delete License sub-folder and Regid.lic file.
    4. Right click on the Origin icon and select Run as Administrator from context menu to launch Origin as administrator.
    5. The License Activation dialog will open. Enter product key and click Activate to license your Origin.
    Note: There is no need to run Origin as administrator after activating Origin successfully.
  • If above solution didn't work, please try to uninstall and reinstall Origin and then activate again.

Learn more about license error code, please refer to this page.

Keywords:license, err code, LastErr 1, LastErr 122, LE, learning edition, learning version, 401