2.124 FAQ-1107 How to merge separate date and time columns into one column?merge-date-time
Last Update: 11/19/2024
You may encounter a situation where your date and time data are broken out into separate columns (e.g. Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute) and you need to combine the components into a single date-time value (single column).
A Basic Example
First, let's start with a simple example. In this case, Column A contains dates and Column B contains times. Both columns have been set to the appropriate format in the Column Properties dialog. Create Column C and set its format to Date. Using the Set Column Values dialog (Ctrl + Q), enter the formula:
(Note that if the output displays as Julian Dates then Column C's format has not been properly set to Date.)

You can use Origin's Date( ) and Time() functions to get a Julian-date value to the Set Values.
An Advanced Example

In this example, either of the following expressions will work in your F(x)/Set Values formula (there may be others):
//concatenate the 1st 5 columns as string and specify what date format the string is.
//It will return julian date
date(A$+"/"+B$+"/"+C$+" "+D$+":"+E$, "yyyy/M/dd HH:mm")
//date(year, month, day) returns integer part of julian date,
//time(hour, minute, second) returns fraction part of julian date.
//So they should be added together to get complete julian date
Note that in the second example the "0" in time(D,E,0) is needed because there is no "seconds" column. Had there been such a column, the example might have read time(D,E,F) .
F(x)/Set Values will return a Julian-date value which you can change the date display by
- Double click column header or right click column header and choose Properties....
- Set Format to Date and Display as, for example, 7/20/2021 HH:mm and click OK.
Keywords:date, time, merge, combine date time, date and time functions, concatenate