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2.7 FAQ-414 How do I import data from the clipboard or from a web page?
Last Update: 9/7/2020
Copy the data from your application or web page.
In Origin, open the
Import Wizard
by clicking
File: Import: Import Wizard
or the Import Wizard
toolbar button .
Set the
Data Source
as below and step through the Import Wizard pages.
to complete the import.
Newer versions of Origin support direct import of web data using
Data Connectors
. Data Connectors support common web data formats. For more information, see
Connect to Web
If you are pasting strings from the Clipboard to Origin, you should read
this FAQ
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FAQ-348 How do I add or edit Name and Comments in the worksheet?
FAQ-409 How do I turn off sparklines when importing ASCII files?
FAQ-410 How can I save ASCII import options to my template?
FAQ-411 What is the difference between ASCII import and the Import Wizard?
FAQ-412 How do I customize Drag and Drop for various import file types?
FAQ-413 How do I import multiple data files with the same format?
FAQ-414 How do I import data from the clipboard or from a web page?
FAQ-415 How do I double-click to open ASCII files in Origin?
FAQ-416 How do I extract Long Names and Units from same header rows when importing ASCII?
FAQ-418 How do I open and manipulate a MySQL Database inside Origin?
FAQ-419 Can I import data from a database and save and re-use queries?
FAQ-421 How do I digitize an image to get data from it?
FAQ-423 How do I retrieve and use variables extracted from file name and header?
FAQ-424 How do I import custom date and time data?
FAQ-425 How to skip string when testing non-numeric in Import Wizard dialog?
FAQ-427 How to combine data from multiple Origin projects?
FAQ-428 How to run LabTalk script after import?
FAQ-431 Why does my Imported Image display as just black?
FAQ-433 How to Paste Excel or Plain Text Data into an Origin Worksheet and Set Column Labels
FAQ-434 What is the Sampling Interval header row?
FAQ-435 How to import/export data from/to MATLAB Workspace ?
FAQ-436 Can Origin import the MATLAB file with structure data?
FAQ-437 Can Origin import certain columns from different Excel sheets?
FAQ-438 How can I transpose variable when importing data from MATLAB?
FAQ-454 How to print Origin graph or worksheet to a PostScript file?
FAQ-459 How do I add, arrange, and view multiple matrix objects in one matrix window?
FAQ-460 How do I convert a worksheet with matrix style data to Matrix or X Y Z?
FAQ-461 How do I normalize a data matrix?
FAQ-462 What is the difference between data matrix and image matrix?
FAQ-464 How can I recover a damaged Origin file?
FAQ-465 How do I package multiple Origin files to share with a colleague?
FAQ-466 Is there an auto save feature for projects?
FAQ-467 Are older-version Origin projects forward-compatible with newer versions of Origin? Are newer-version Origin projects backward-compatible with older versions of Origin?
FAQ-468 My Origin project file is very slow to work with. How can I improve this?
FAQ-471 How to avoid the input data string converting to a numerical value automatically in the worksheet?
FAQ-472 How to set the date format if the data is not consistent with the desired display format?
FAQ-473 What formatting capabilities are available for the worksheet?
FAQ-474 How do I edit and format text in merged cells?
FAQ-475 How do I resize width/height of multiple columns/rows in a worksheet?
FAQ-476 Can I control what header rows to display in a worksheet?
FAQ-477 How to add supercripts, subscripts, and special characters in tables and worksheets?
FAQ-478 How do I set up my worksheet to be always m x n cells?
FAQ-479 What is a Sparkline and how do I customize it?
FAQ-480 What is the difference between embedding and linking a graph in a worksheet cell
FAQ-481 How do I copy data with column label rows?
FAQ-482 How do I copy data with maximum precision?
FAQ-483 How do I copy the column formula?
FAQ-484 Why does Origin assign Types for Columns and how do I work with column types?
FAQ-485 Where is the X data associated with my Y column?
FAQ-486 What should I do if the text label size on a worksheet created in Origin 8.5 appears much bigger when opening in later version?
FAQ-489 How can I easily identify a particular worksheet within a workbook that contains many?
FAQ-494 How do I find the average of multiple columns or data plots?
FAQ-495 How do I further process or plot results contained in report sheet tables?
FAQ-497 How do I use a parameter row or worksheet variable in the Set Column Values dialog?
FAQ-498 How do I use analysis results in the Set Values dialog?
FAQ-499 How do I auto fill cells with data?
FAQ-500 How do I sort my data?
FAQ-1059 How to get the row index and value of visible cell after filtering data in Origin?
FAQ-502 how do I take the value in a report to use in my worksheet
FAQ-503 Is there a way to extract data from a worksheet based on conditions?
FAQ-504 How do I reduce XY or XYZ dataset?
FAQ-616 What are the different methods to calculate average value in Origin?
FAQ-623 How to find the minimum or maximum value in a dataset and the corresponding x value and index number?
FAQ-662 How do I join two worksheets
FAQ-690 Two Quick Examples of Set Values dialog
FAQ-692 How to set values of a cell or a subrange?
FAQ-783 Can I select and hide worksheet columns by label or index?
FAQ-784 How can I use comma as decimal mark and use semicolon as function arguments separator in formula and script?
FAQ-794 How do I import date data from database?
FAQ-800 How to set up the SQL?
FAQ-806 How do I find the closest date/time value in a dataset?
FAQ-809 How do I import multiple ASCII files directly as the same matrixsheet and different objects?
FAQ-815 How do I copy report sheet tables and paste them into Word, Excel or PowerPoint?
FAQ-820 How to work with large datasets in Origin?
FAQ-823 My German version Origin cannot show AM/PM time format, what can I do?
FAQ-827 How to mask data points in a box chart?
FAQ-839 What should I do when Origin becomes slower as more data is imported?
FAQ-847 Why are my column formulas not updating when I insert or delete columns?
FAQ-849 Can I turn off or selectively control use of spreadsheet cell notation in my workbooks?
FAQ-852 Can I subtract two images or two matrices?
FAQ-862 How do I update a data filter when I make changes to my data?
FAQ-863 How do I update a data filter during batch operations?
FAQ-864 How do I have different conditions for same column and do further graphing and analysis?
FAQ-865 How do I exclude hidden data rows from my analysis and plotting operations?
FAQ-870 How to extract file name without extension to column comments?
FAQ-871 Does Origin have a "IF" function?
FAQ-913 How to apply format to multiple worksheets?
FAQ-919 ASCII Import filters or import options saved to a sheet fail after upgrading to Origin 2018
FAQ-927 Is there some way to convert the new OPJU file format into the older OPJ format?
FAQ-935 How to get the average value of every 5 points?
FAQ-936 How do I Convert a Unix Timestamp to an Origin Date?
FAQ-939 Is there a way to disable cell formulas in my project?
FAQ-941 Why are my cell formulas not working?
FAQ-961 How to get the difference or sum of two curves?
FAQ-962 How to transpose one column data to one row data?
FAQ-969 What’s the difference between "Save Import setting to Sheet" and "save to <sheet>" in the import dialog?
FAQ-970 What do I do if there is an error while importing an SPC file?
FAQ-973 How to disable editing of the cells in worksheet?
FAQ-974 How do I display Degrees, Minutes and Seconds in Origin?
FAQ-975 How do I use hexadecimal values in my data sheet?
FAQ-988 How do I add cell formula in column label row during data importing?
FAQ-989 How to display number as 10 000 instead of 10000?
FAQ-993 When I paste my Excel time data into Origin, Origin displays 12/30/1899
FAQ-995 Data: Connect to Web Fails to Import Data from Certain URLs in Windows 7
FAQ-1008 How to resolve possible loss of precision when importing date time data?
FAQ-1009 How to extract unmasked data to a new worksheet?
FAQ-1011 Why i and I in equations give different results?
FAQ-1013 Can I use a simple formula to do simple math on columns or curves?
FAQ-1014 What Can I do to Reduce the Size of My Origin Project?
FAQ-1020 Is there a difference between Connect and Import?
FAQ-1025 Why does the embedded graph disappear or show partially in current worksheet?
FAQ-1034 How to not use Data Connector when drag and drop data into Origin?
FAQ-1042 How to show formulas in worksheet cells?
FAQ-1043 How do I know the categorical values if I set a column as categorical?
FAQ-1050 Does Origin have a tool like MS Excel's Text to Columns Wizard?
FAQ-1052 Origin worksheets used to display truncated content as ### pound signs. What changed?
FAQ-1053 How to allow changing data when Data Connector is used?
FAQ-1066 How do I copy and paste date-time data from MS Excel?
FAQ-1067 How can I paste strings into Origin and not have it split strings across columns?
FAQ-1069 How do I align column numbers on the decimal character?
FAQ-1080 I used a Data Connector to import data but when I reopen my project, the data is missing
FAQ-1101 How to set a row as the beginning of my data?
FAQ-1106 How to merge multiple NetCDF files into one?
FAQ-1107 How to merge separate date and time columns into one column?
FAQ-1110 What should I do if Origin crashes when pasting link from Excel?
FAQ-1128 What should I do if Origin becomes very slow when working on large dataset?
FAQ-1134 How to remove DDE links in a project?
FAQ-1137 How to insert image to a cell note
FAQ-1144 How do I Autofill my rows or columns with data?
FAQ-1154 How to import columns of Excel or ASCII data that look like numbers in the source file but need to be treated as Categorical?
FAQ-1155 How to import multiple files to a sheet and separate each file with an empty column?
FAQ-1163 How do I add a file extension to a Data Connector?
FAQ-1173 How to copy and paste comma separated data into Origin?
FAQ-1181 Why my Connect to Web/Cloud menu grey out?
FAQ-1182 How to import Eastern/Central European characters?
FAQ-1184 How to Extract a Region of data points from Data Plot?
FAQ-1186 How to insert one row for every certain number of rows?
FAQ-1215 Cell Formula in Origin
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