5.91 FAQ-1213 Origin process remains after closing Origin. What should I do?

Last Update: 3/3/2025

If you find that Origin takes a long time to close, or after you close an Origin instance it is still running in the background (you can check in the Task Manager), please try following workaround:

  1. .Open Windows Security by either searching for "Windows Security" in the Windows Start menu to open the Windows Defender Security Center, or selecting Start menu > Settings button > Update & Security > Windows Security.
  2. Select Virus & threat protection.
    Windows Security Virus Threat Protection.png
  3. Click Virus & threat protection settings and scroll down to click Add or remove exclusions under Exclusions group.
    Windows Security Add Remove Exclusions.png
  4. Click Add an exclusion button, select Folder in the flyout menu to add following folders (EXE & UFF etc. folders) as exception respectively.
    C:\Program Files\OriginLab  //EXE path, may change based on where user installs
    C:\ProgramData\OriginLab  //fixed path
    C:\Users\{YourAccountName}\Documents\OriginLab  //UFF path, may change based on where user specifies
    C:\Users\{YourAccountName}\AppData\Local\OriginLab  //relatively fixed path

    Note: You can also check the path by Origin menu Preferences: Options dialog > System Path tab.

    Windows Security Add Path.png
  5. Start Origin, and then quit Origin to make sure Origin process exit faster than no-exclusion scenario.

Keywords:Windows Security, run in background, quit, exit, slow, long time