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Piper Diagram.opx
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Make piper diagram using specified ions dataset.

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  • Purpose
    This app can be used to create piper diagram used the specified ions data.
    Features include:
    • Supported cations include Ca, Mg, Na, and K.
    • Supported anions include SO4, Cl, HCO3, NO3 and F.
    • Supported units include Milliequivalents Per Liter (meq/L), Equivalents Per Liter (eq/L), Milligrams Per Liter (mg/L), Grams Per Liter (g/L), Parts Per Million (ppm), Moles Per Liter (moles/L) and Grams Per Cubic Meter (g/m^3).
    • Support for sample ID and total dissolved solids.
  • Installation
    Download the file "Piper Diagram.opx", and then drag-and-drop onto the Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps gallery window.
  • Operation
    1. Click the app icon from Apps gallery window to start the app.
    2. Select cations and anions from the two tables respectively. And then choose the unit of the data for each ion, and set axis.
    3. Click "Add Cation" or "Add Anion" button to add more ions if needed.
    4. Click "Set Data..." button to select the data from worksheet for each ion.
    5. If Sample ID exists, check the checkbox and click the "..." button to choose the column for it.
    6. If Total Dissolved Solids exists, do the same as Sample ID. Note, if this checkbox is checked, and no data is selected, it would be calculated from ion data.
    7. If there are two or more datasets, click the "+" button to the right of the tab to add another tab for more datasets.
    8. Click Plot button to make the plot using the specified data.
  • Dialog Settings
    • Dataset # Tab
      • Add/Delete datasets. Click the "+" button to the right of tab to add one more tab for one more dataset. And click the "x" button in the right of the tab to remove this dataset. At least there is one dataset, so, the first one is not allowed to be removed.
      • Table columns: Name, Unit, Axis, Data and Delete. Name column is the name of ion, Unit column is to specify which unit is used for the raw ion data, Axis column is to plot this ion as what axis, Data is showing where the data of this ion come from, and Delete column has a button to remove the ion from the plot. The question mark on the Axis column header is to show the axis info when mouse over on it.
      • Set Same Unit for All Cations/Anions: If all the cations/anions data comes from the same unit, this dropbox is able to set the same unit for all cations/anions.
      • Add Cation/Anion button: Add one more cation/anion.
      • Set Data... button: Switch to the Set Data Dialog to set column data for each ion.
      • Sample ID: If there is a sample ID column, check this checkbox and select column by clicking the "..." button of this line.
      • Total Dissolved Solids: If there is total dissolved solids column, check this checkbox and select column by clicking the "..." button of this line. If the checkbox is checked, but not column data is chosen, the total dissolved solids are calculated from the raw ion data.
      • Plot button: Plot piper diagram using the specified ion data.
      • Cancel button: Close dialog.
      • Note: Any change of the setting of dialog will be kept for opening the dialog next time.
    • Set Data Dialog
      • Dataset dropbox: This is for specifying the data for which dataset.
      • Worksheets panel: Show the available worksheets.
        • Triangle menu: For settings of worksheet filter. You can show the worksheets in the panel by Worksheets in Folder, Worksheets in Folder (Recursive), Worksheets in Project or Worksheets in Favorites. All these options can include shortcuts or not. And if check Show Workbook Long Name, the showing range will use workbook's long name (short name is used by default).
      • Columns panel: Show the available columns in the selected worksheet in Worksheets panel.
        • Triangle menu: It allows to choose the displaying identifier of columns, and options include Long Name, Units, and Comments.
      • Set for Ion buttons: Set the selected column from Columns panel as data to the corresponding ion, or Sample ID, or TDS. And the results show in the right panel.
      • Back button: Exit Set Data Dialog.
    • Plot button: Make a piper diagram using the specified datasets.
    • Cancel button: Close dialog.


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