Download the Chi-Square Test.opx, and then drag-and-drop onto Origin workspace. An icon will appear in the Apps Gallery window.
- Click the Chi-Square Test icon to open the dialog.
- Enter data in the table, or load data from Origin worksheet by clicking the icon on the upper left corner of the table.
The Expected data should be one of the following types:
- actual number expected (#);
- percent expected (%);
- fraction expected (½).
Choose the correct type using the drop-down in the Expected column header.
- Click the Calculate button to display results in the dialog.
Click the Save to Origin icon next to Calculate, to store the data and the results to an Origin workbook.
If you make any changes to the data, you can either create a new workbook in Origin, or update the one you created before. You can toggle between these two modes using the CTRL key. The icon next to the Calculate button will change when you toggle.