File Exchange > Data Connector >    LeCroy Connector

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LeCroy Connector.opx
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Connect to a LeCroy trace data file.

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This App connects the Origin project to LeCoy waveforms (*.trc). Origin 2020 or later is required.


This App is not pre-installed with Origin. To install, click Data: Connect to File: Add New.... The App Center opens listing only Connector Apps. Click the Download and Install button beside LeCroy Connector to install the App.

  • Selection
    By default the waveform descriptor is loaded into the Origin project, which you can opt out if not needed.
    The waveform can be loaded as XY columns or just Y column with sampling interval.
  • Web Data
    Besides connecting to a local file, you can connect your project to data from website.
Basic Usage
  1. With a worksheet active, click on the Data menu.
  2. To connect to a local file, click Data: Connect to File: LeCroy Trace Data and select the file. To connect to web data, click Data: Connect to Web and enter the URL. 
  3. In the data selection dialog, you can opt in/out the various options of the connector, then click OK to connect to the selected variables.
  4. Once a connector is added, click the connector icon in the upper-left corner of the book to open a popup menu with various commands.
  5. By default, connector-imported data are NOT saved with the project file. To save a book's data with the project file, click the connector icon in the upper-left corner for that book and uncheck Exclude Imported When Saving. Note that each book has its own Exclude setting.



v1.1 4/17/2023 Updated to make compatible with Origin 2023b.
v1.01 12/23/2022 Fixed a bug.

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