Autocorrelation and Partial Autocorrelation (ACF & PACF)


This ACF(Autocorrelation function) & PACF( Partial Autocorrelation function) tool is supported in the Time Series Analysis App. It is used to compute and plot the autocorrelations and the partial autocorrelations of a series.


This tutorial uses App’s built-in sample project. To open this sample OPJU file:

  1. Right click the Time Series Analysis App icon Time Series Analysis icon.png in the Apps Gallery and choose Show Samples Folder.
  2. A folder will open. Drag-and-drop the project file TSA Sample.opju into Origin.


  1. Expand Project Explorer docked on the left. Select folder Statistics and Test . The Book3 contains data about Australian total wine sales by wine makers in bottles.

    ACF 01.png
  2. Highlight Column A and B, and then click the Time Series Analysis App icon Time Series Analysis icon.png in the Apps Gallery.
  3. In the dialog, select Statistics and Test and ACF & PACF tool.
    ACF 02.png
  4. Use the default dialog setting, click the OK button.
    ACF 03.png
  5. Then you will get the report with Series, ACF and PACF three graphs.
    ACF 04.png



Autocorrelation calculates the correlation between a time series and the time series with lags. It can be used to determine which terms to be included in ARIMA model.

This app calls nag_tsa_auto_corr (g13abc) function [1] to calculate autocorrelation.

For a time series x_i, i=1, 2, ... n, the coefficient of lag k is:

r_k =  \frac{ \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{n-k} (x_i - \bar{x}) (x_{i+k} - \bar{x})}{ \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n  (x_i - \bar{x})^2 }

where \bar{x} = \frac { \sum_{i=1}^n x_i }{n}.

  • Default Maximum Number of Lags

n_k = \begin{cases} n/4 \quad &\text{if } n \le  240 \\ 45 + \sqrt{n} \quad &\text{otherwise}\end{cases}

  • Chi-squared Test

H0: The autocorrelation function is identically zero.

 \chi^2 = n  \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{n_k} r_k^2

 \text{df} = n_k

If P-value<0.05, the autocorrelation function is significantly different from zero.

  • Standard Error of Autocorrelation

1. Independent model

 s_k^2 = \frac{n - k}{ n (n + 2)}, k=1, 2, ..., n_k

2. Bartlett model

 s_k^2 = \frac{1 + 2 \displaystyle\sum _{i=1}^{k  - 1} r_i^2}{n}, i=1, 2, ... n_k

  • t-value and Confidence Limits

 t_k = \frac{r_k}{s_k}

Lower confidence limit at lag k:

 LCL_k = -2 s_k

Upper confidence limit at lag k:

 UCL_k = 2 s_k

  • Ljung-Box Test

H0: First k autocorrelations are identically zero.

 Q_k = n (n+2) \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{k} \frac{r_i^2}{n-i}

 \text{df}_k = k

Use \chi^2 distribution to calculate the P-value.

If P-value<0.05, first k autocorrelations are significantly different from zero.

Partial Autocorrelation

Partial autocorrelation calculates the correlation between a time series and the time series with lags excluding the influence of intermediate lags. It can be used to determine terms to include in ARIMA model.

This app calls nag_tsa_auto_corr_part (g13acc) function [3] to calculate partial autocorrelation.

For a time series x_i, i=1, 2, ... n, partial autocorrelation coefficients can be solved by a recursive method [4]:

p_{l+1, l+1 } = ( r_{l+1} - p_{l, 1} r_l - p_{l, 2} r_{l-1} - ... - p_{1, l} r_1 )/ v_l
p_{l+1, j} = p_{l, j} - p_{l+1, l+1} p_{l, l+1-j}, \; j=1, 2, ..., l
v_{l+1} = v_l (1 - p_{l+1, l+1}) (1 + p_{l+1, l+1})

where l=1, 2,\, ...,\, n_k-1,

r_i, \, i=1, 2,\, ...,\, n_k is autocorrelation,
v_i, \, i=1, 2,\, ...,\, n_k is the predictor error variance ratio,
p_{i, i}, \, i=1, 2,\, ...\, n_k is partial autocorrelation values, and p_{n_k, j}, \, j=1, 2,\, ...,\, n_k is the autoregressive parameters of maximum order.

It was initialized by setting p_{1, 1} = r_1 and v_1 = 1 - r_1^2.

  • Standard Error of Partial Autocorrelation
s_k = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}
  • t-value and Confidence Limits
t_k = p_{k, k} \cdot \sqrt{n}

Lower confidence limit at lag k:

LCL_k = -2 s_k

Upper confidence limit at lag k:

UCL_k = 2 s_k


  1. nag_tsa_auto_corr (g13abc)
  2. George E. P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins (1976). Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control. (Revised Edition) Holden–Day
  3. nag_tsa_auto_corr_part (g13acc)
  4. J. Durbin (1960). The fitting of time series models. Rev. Inst. Internat. Stat. Vol.28, pp.233