2.26 Slope Analyzer (Pro)


The Slope Analyzer app can be used to graphically explore and record slope values within a region of interest.


  1. Start this tutorial with the app Slope Analyzer installed. If you have not installed this app, please click Add Apps button in Apps Gallery to open App Center to search and install the app.
  2. New a workbook, select Data>Connect to File: Text/CSV menu to import the sample file <Origin Program Folder>\Samples\Curve Fitting\Gaussian.dat.
    Slope Analyzer 01.png
  3. Highlight col(B) and then click the app icon AppIcon Slope Analyzer.png to open Slope Analyzer. A new empty workbook will be created to store the analysis results.
    Slope Analyzer 03.png
    • In the lower panel of Slope Analyzer, we use a ROI box to select region of interest, and the slope lines(maximum, minimum, mean, and end-point slope) will be drawn and shown in different colors; 1st derivative of data will be displayed at the bottom.
      Slope Analyzer 02.png
    • In the upper panel, the result values will be reported to the table in the cooresponding colors as the color of slope lines; Smooth control for derivative is provided to help with noisy data; Buttons are availiable to let you output the analysis results and switch to previous/next Y column in worksheet to analyze multuiple datasets.
      Slope Analyzer 04.png
  4. Resize the ROI box, and then move it to the range at about [14:25]. You will see the slope lines are drawn: Red line is max slope, green line is min slope, purple line is mean slope and brown line is end points slope.
    Slope Analyzer 05.png
  5. As this data doesn't have many noise, we don't need check the Smooth Derivative control.
  6. All slope results has been output to the table at upper panel. In this table, the X value for the point with max slope or min slope has also been output. In this case, the max slope is 11, appears at the point X=18; the min slope is 1, appears at the point X=25; mean slope line is drawn through the mid point. Note: All slope values has been drawn at the 1st derivative curve at bottom of this dialog.
    Slope Analyzer 06.png
  7. To output the results to the result worksheet, you can click Save Slopes button to output and save the current slope results.
    Slope Analyzer 07.png
  8. Clicking Scan and Save button will pop up a little dialog to let you enter the ROI box width(By default, the current ROI box width will be filled.). Click OK button to scan entire data by segements using specified ROI width, and save slope values to the result worksheet.
    Slope Analyzer 08.png
  9. If you want analyze another Y cloumn in source worksheet, you can use Previous Y or Next Y button to swith to another curve.
  10. Click OK button to close Slope Analyzer to finish the task.