2.19 White Noise


The App Speedy Fit is used to generate Gaussian white noise for signal data.


  1. Start this tutorial with the app White Noise installed. If you have not installed this app, please click Add Apps button in Apps Gallery to open App Center to search and install the app.
  2. Select Data: Connect to File > Text/CSV menu to import the sample data fftfilter1.DAT under the folder <Origin Program Folder>\Samples\Signal Processing into a new worksheet. Select col(B) to plot a line graph.
  3. We are going to add some white noise to this curve. Click the app icon to open the app dialog.
    App-White Noise 01.png
  4. Set Signal-to-Noise(db) to 30 and Speed to 60.
    App-White Noise 02.png
  5. Click OK button. A result column will be added into the source worksheet. Select this column and then drag-and-drop it into the graph window.This column will be plotted as a red line. You can see some noise has been added to the source signal data.
    App-White Noise 03.png