2.45 Global Fit with Multiple Functions (Pro)


This Global Fit with Multiple Functions app is to perform global fit and share parameters for different functions.


  1. Select Data > Connect to File : TEXT/CSV menu to choose the sample file <Origin Program folder>\Samples\Curve Fitting\Multiple Gaussians.dat to import it with default import settings.
  2. Highlight Col(B)~Col(C) to plot a scatter plot.
  3. With the graph window activated, click on the app icon in Apps Gallery to open the dialog. If you haven't installed the App Global Fit with Multiple Functions, please click Add Apps button to open App Center to find and install the App.
    Global Fit with Multiple Functions 01.png
  4. In the dialog opended, choose Gaussian as Function 1 to fit the first curve; and choose Lorentz as Function 2 to fit the second curve.
    Global Fit with Multiple Functions 02.png
  5. In the Parameters table, let us select 1 for Share drop-down list for parameter "w" in two functions both, to share the parameter "w" during the fitting.
    Global Fit with Multiple Functions 04.png
  6. Click on the button Fit to fit these two curves with different functions, while a parameter has been shared. You can check the fitting status in the Message box.
    Global Fit with Multiple Functions 05.png
  7. Click OK button to finish the fitting and output the fitting results.
    Global Fit with Multiple Functions 03.png