2.1 Tolerance Intervals(Pro)

More information:


Tolerance intervals are used to quantify the range within which a certain percentage of a population is expected to fall. They are used to ensure that a product or process meets certain standards

The Tolerance Intervals app in Origin supports calculating tolerance intervals for data from normal or non-normal distribution.

How to install and use the app

  • Click Add Apps button in Apps Gallery to open App Center, search Tolerance Intervals and install the app.
  • With a worksheet active, click the Tolerance Intervals icon, TI Icon.png to open the toolbar
TI Dialog.png

Tolerance Intervals (Normal)

Specify Input Data

  • Raw Data
  • Select one or multiple columns, each column contains one sample data
  • Summarized Data
  • Specified the summary values for sample size, mean and standard deviation of the sample

Specify Options

  • Minimum percentage of Population in Interval
Specify the minimum percentage of the population that you want the tolerance interval to include. The default value is 95%
  • Confidence level
Specify the confidence level for confidence intervals. The default value is 95%
  • Tolerance Interval
Decide the type of Tolerance Interval, it can be Two-sided, Lower Bound or Upper Bound
  • Tolerance Interval Plot
Specified whether the output the graphical report which includes
  • Parametric and non-parametric tolerance interval plots
  • Histogram with distribution curve
  • Probability Plot

Tolerance Intervals(Non-normal)

Specify Input Data

  • Input Data
Select one or multiple columns, each column contains one sample data
  • Distributions
Select the distribution of your sample data
  • Lognormal
  • Gamma
  • Exponential
  • Smallest Extreme Value
  • Weibull
  • Largest Extreme Value
  • Logistic
  • Loglogistic
  • Nonparametric

Specify Options

  • Minimum percentage of Population in Interval
Specify the minimum percentage of the population that you want the tolerance interval to include. The default value is 95%
  • Confidence level
Specify the confidence level for confidence intervals. The default value is 95%
  • Tolerance Interval
Decide the type of Tolerance Interval, it can be Two-sided, Lower Bound or Upper Bound
  • Tolerance Interval Plot
Specified whether the output the graphical report which includes
  • Parametric and non-parametric tolerance interval plots
  • Histogram with distribution curve
  • Probability Plot


  1. Copy data: 99.83 100.86 100.71 97.14 98.49 102.47 104.05 100.53 97.65 99.92 98.28 99.05 101.13 100.39 99.58 100.57 103.08 100.32 100.00 97.64
  2. Go to Origin, create a new Workbook, right-click in the first cell of Column A. Select Paste Transpose in the context menu
  3. Highlight column A and click Tolerance Intervals icon TI Icon.png in the Apps Gallery.
    TI Dialog.png
  4. Select Tolerance Intervals (Normal) to open the dialog.
  5. In the opened dialog, Column A is automatically set as Input Data. Set Minimum % of Population in Interval to be 75, Confidence Level (%) to be 99. Keep all other settings as default and click the OK button.
    TT Dialog.png
  6. The report table and report data sheets will be generated
    TT Results.png