2.2.1 Time Series Plot


With tools in the Time Series Plot tab, we can:

  • Plot XY time series data and create a time series plot.
  • Plot XY time series data with consecutive group columns, and create time series plots in multiple stages of time.

Origin provides two tools in the Time Series Plot tab to create these plot types.


Highlight XY columns, click Simple button in the Time Series Plot tab. If you want to smooth the curve, check Lowess Smooth, and set a value for Fraction of Window Points (0-1). Click OK button in the dialog. And it will create a time series plot.


With Groups

Highlight XY columns, click With Groups button in the Time Series Plot tab. In the opened dialog, select Group Column(s). If you want to smooth the curve, check Lowess Smooth, and set a value for Fraction of Window Points (0-1). Click OK button in the dialog. And it will create time series plots with groups.

TS Group Graph.png

Dialog Settings

Settings in the dialog for Simple and With Groups tools are listed as below.

Input Data Select XY columns in the worksheet as input data.
Group Column(s) Select column(s) as groups. It is optional.
Lowess Smooth Determine whether to use Lowess method to smooth the curve. If group columns are chosen, the curve for each group level will be smoothed separately.
Fraction of Window Points (0-1) Specify the span of Lowess Smooth by proportion. The larger the value is, the smoother the curve becomes. It is available only when Lowess Smooth check box is checked.
Plot Data Define the output worksheet for plot data.