The (Plot Details) Label TabPD-Dialog-Label2-Tab
You can specify label source in two ways:
- Using the Label Form drop-down on this tab, you select the source (and form) of the data label. This gives many options including X and Y values, metadata, information from other column(s) in the worksheet, or even a custom label.
- You can pre-designate a column of data as a Label column and co-select the label column with your Y column, when creating your graph.
Note that pre-designating a worksheet Label column and using it to label a plot no longer creates a label dataset in Plot Details, as it did in earlier versions of Origin. All data labels now use the Label tab controls of the Y dataset, as documented below.
Label Tab Controls
Select this check box to enable adding labels to data plots.
_Label2_Tab/Tip_icon.png?v=9614) | Note that prior to Origin 2020b, checking this box enabled labels for all plots in a plot group. To accommodate improvements to showing data at specified points only, this box now only enables labels for the selected plot, whether or not it is part of a group. However, you can still use the Show Data Labels button on the Mini Toolbar to label all plots.
To add data labels to ALL plots in your group, simultaneously:
- In the graph window, click to select any plot in the group.
- On the Mini Toolbar "group" tab, click Show Data Labels.
- To customize what is displayed by the label, click to select a label and from the Mini Toolbar, click Label Source and choose how you want to label data points.
Show at Specified Points Only
Check this box to label specified data points only. Once enabled, use the list box to locate labels by:
- <drop line>: Labels will be added only at drop line locations (specified on the Drop Lines tab). Note that drop lines can be located by interpolation of actual data points whereas labels can only be added to actual data points. Therefore, only drop lines from actual data points can be labeled in this way.
- <L#>: For the Circular Packing graph, you can select <L#> to decide the node labels of which level will be shown, such as <L1> means show the labels for the parent nodes in first level. And, you also can select <Leaves> to just show the labels for leaves(nodes in the last level of each hierarchy line).
- Begin or Beg or -1: Label will be added to the first data point within the layer.
- End or 0: Label will be added to the last data point within current layer.
- Max/Min: Label the point with maximum/minimum Y/Z.
- By dataset: Pick a dataset from the drop-down list to use for labeling. Values will be assigned to points by row index.
- By row index or X value: Refer to the following table.
a b c d e
Show labels at space-separated list of row indices
1 4 5 9
Show labels from rows n to m, skipping every s rows
x=a b d g
Show labels at x values
x=3.5 7.8 10.2 14.0
Show labels at row indices contained in specified column
Show labels at x values listed in specified column
Percentile Labels
Enable the percentile labels for the box chart.
Box Range
Show the labels of the top, the median and the bottom lines mext to the box plot.
For example, when you select Perc 25, 75 from the Range list for Box, the labels for the 75th percentile, median and 25th percentile, will display in the graph.
Show the label of upper and lower whisker next to the box plot.
Show the label of mean next to the box plot.
The location of the mean can be marked by symbols (Percentile tab) and/or horizontal lines (Lines tab). You must enable mean display on at least one of these tabs before you can choose to label the mean.
Beginning with Origin 2020, you can mark the location of the mean using a horizontal line, without showing a box (e.g. on the Box tab, set Type = Data) but you will have to enable Type = Box momentarily, in order to check the Labels boxes. Once checked, you can disable box display and your horizontal line will remain labeled.
Show the label of median next to the box plot.
The location of the median can be marked by symbols (Percentile tab) and/or horizontal lines (Lines tab). You must enable median display on at least one of these tabs before you can choose to label the median.
Beginning with Origin 2020, you can mark the location of the median using a horizontal line, without showing a box (e.g. on the Box tab, set Type = Data) but you will have to enable Type = Box momentarily, in order to check the Labels boxes. Once checked, you can disable box display and your horizontal line will remain labeled.
Specify to show the Value, Percentile or both for the Box/Whisker/Mean Value Labels.
Select the desired font for label text.
Select Default: FontName to use the font determined by the Default drop-down list on the Text Fonts tab of the Options dialog box.(Preferences: Option).
Type or select the desired font size (in points) for the label text.
The default size is determined by the Size combination box value in the Text Tool group on the Text Fonts tab of the Options dialog box (Preferences: Options).
Select a color for the labels.
If color is set to Auto and the Auto Color of Label Follows Symbol box is selected on the Miscellaneous tab (page level) of Plot Details, then label color follows symbol color.
If color is set to Auto and the Auto Color of Label Follows Symbol box is cleared on the Miscellaneous tab (page level) of Plot Details, then label color will be chosen to display in highest contrast to the background color.
White Out
Select this check box to put a white background behind each label.
Rotate (deg)
Type or select the angle, in degrees, by which to rotate the label.
- Positive values rotate the label counter-clockwise.
- Negative values rotate it clockwise.
Zero degrees is horizontal text.
This checkbox is only available for special points.
When a data point becomes special, its properties will follow that of the plot until you customize it. Emphasis means the Bold, Italic and Underline label formats of this special point follows the plot. Uncheck it to edit the formatting buttons below.
The formatting buttons
Click the text formatting buttons (Bold, Italic, and Underline) to format the label text.
Used to align multi-line data labels. Not available for all plot types.
Auto: Follow the Position setting:
- If Position = Right, position labels to the right of the labeled point and left-align multi-line labels.
- If Position = Left, position labels to the left of the labeled point and right-align multi-line labels.
- If Position = Center/Above/Below, center-align multi-line labels.
Other combinations are possible by setting Alignment = Left, Right or Center.
Specify whether add a frame around the label text. This option is not available for Box Chart.
Three selections are available for this drop-down list: None, Box and Shadow.
- None is select by default; meanwhile, Border and Fill color control will be disabled.
- When Box is selected, a box will be added as a frame around the label text.
- When Shadow is selected, a box and its shadow will be added around the label text.
Please note that the Frame option will be set to Auto for the special point by default. It means that the settings of special point will follow that of the whole plot. Of cause, you can customize these settings for the special point for your own needs.
When Box or Shadow is select as Frame, you can set a border color for box of the labels.
When Box or Shadow is select as Frame, you can set a fill color for box of the labels.
Margin(% Font Height)
Adjust the margin of the frame in the percent of font height. The top/bottom/left/right margin shares the same value. This option is not available for Box Chart.
Please note that this option will be set to Auto for the special point by default. It means the settings of special point will follow that of the whole plot. Of cause, you can customize these settings for the special point for your own needs.
Label Source
Label Form
Specify the quantities or data set to be used for creating the label.
Use X values of the data as labels.
Use Y values of the data as labels.
Row Indices
Use row indices as labels.
(X, Y)
Use both X and Y values of the data as labels.
Use content and format specified in Format String to create the labels (see next section).
Use the desired column from the worksheet as labels. All columns located to the right of the data Y column will be listed here.
Numeric Display Format/Format String
- When Label Form is set to X, Y or (X/Y) or Col(ColumnShortName), a Numeric Display Format box becomes available. See Origin Formats. Supported formats include D (date) and T (time) options as long as the date and time data display in the worksheet as numeric Julian Date values.
- When Label Form = Custom, a Format String box becomes available. See Syntax and notations used in plot label.
- Note that clicking on the Numeric Display Format or Format String lists shows prototyped formats.
Numeric Display Format Notes:
- If you have applied a Formula to axis tick labels, you can display the formula-adjusted tick value as opposed to the actual data (scale) value by entering X or Y into Numeric Display Format (e.g. if you have entered a formula for Y axis labels, set Label Form = Y and Numeric Display Format = Y). Please note, if you want to the label value follow the axis major tick label format, such as decimal digit place, you can enter Xt or Yt for the Numeric Display Format box.
Format String Notes:
- In this box, column designators col() and wcol() and arbitrary fixed strings can be combined, as desired.
- The %() substitution and $() substitution can be used here (for example, $(wcol(n)[i], *4) translates to "show the Y values of the current plot and set decimal places to 4" or %(?,@LL) translates to "show the Long Name of current Y column as labels", with L indicating the Long Name of current column -- see Column Label Characters for a full list of the column label rows' substitute characters).
- Columns to the left or right of the current Y column can be referred to by column index (e.g. col(2)[i] or wcol(n+1)[i]), or by Short or Long Name (e.g. col(B)[i] or col(Percent)[i]).
- Numeric and date/time formats are modified using these specifiers.
- Before Origin 9.0, you could only use $(x) to get numeric values. Origin 9.0 and later support x$/y$/z$ which is useful for categorical data. For example, %(X$) is used to return categorical data in the x column, whereas $(x) only shows the index value of the categorical data.
This drop-down list is only available for Histogram graph.
You can use this option to specify which values to show as labels, Count, Percentage(relative frequency for each bin in percent format) or Both.
Attach to
This group is only available for Vector graph.
Choose to place labels to Arrow Head or Arrow Tail. If the vector graph is created from XYXY dataset, the coordinates the label shows will be that of the end point the label attaches to.
Auto Offset
This checkbox is only available for special points.
When a data point becomes special, its properties will follow that of the plot until you customize it. Auto Offset means the label position of this special point follows the plot. Uncheck it to customize Horizontal Offset and Vertical Offset.
Label Offset Units
Label offset is measured as a percentage of the font height. Enter a positive or negative value to adjust label position.
- Horizontal Offset
- Vertical Offset
- Angular Offset (Circular Dendrogram)
- Radial Offset (Circular Dendrogram)
Specify the label position. This option is not available for Box Chart.
Place label in the center of the data point.
Place label to the left or right of the data point.
Place label above or below the data point.
Inside End
This option applies to Column/Bar graphs.
Place label inside the column/bar and close to the line where column/bar ends.
Inside Base
This option applies to Column/Bar graphs.
Place label inside the column/bar and close to the line where column/bar starts.
Outside End
This option applies to unstacked Column/Bar graphs, bridge chart or lollipop plot.
For Column/Bar graphs and bridge chart, selecting Outside End will place label outside of the column/bar and close to the line where column/bar ends.
For the plots with drop lines, such as lollipop plot which has the drop lines connecting two data plots, selecting Outside End will place the labels away from the end points of the drop lines for the plot(s).
This option is available for vertical/horizontal Dendrogram.
Always place labels to the opposite side of leaves. It is useful to auto reposition labels after exchanging XY axes.
Angular Outer
This option is available for circular Dendrogram.
Place labels to the outside of leaves.
Angular Inner
This option is available for circular Dendrogram.
Place labels alongside of leaves.
Hide Label if Column/Bar Height Less than (%)
This control is only available for 2D Column/Bar graphs.
Use it to hide the column/bar label if the height/length of column/bar is less than the specified value. Only whole numbers are supported.
Critical Length = percentage value% * Y axis length
Hide Label if Percentage Less than (%)
This control is only available for Circular Packing graphs.
Use it to automatically hide labels for categories whose fraction accounts for less than N%.
Wrap Text by Percent of Diameter
This control is only available for Circular Packing graphs.
Use it to automatically wrap labels to a percentage of category diameter.
Advanced Position Controls
These controls are only available when the plot type is line/symbol in the 2D Cartesian coordinate system.
Attach to
Specify the reference position of the data label. The data label position will be calculated based on the Horizontal Offset, Vertical Offset and Position settings from the reference position.
Use the position of the corresponding data points as reference.
X Line
Use a line of X = Value as reference, i.e. a line parallel to the Y axis.
Y Line
Use a line of Y = Value as reference, i.e. a line parallel to the X axis.
Error Bar
Use the position of error bar as reference.
- For the Y error bar, it will take effect when position is Above or Below.
- For the X error bar, it will take effect when position is Left or Right.
X/Y Value
This text box is only available when Attach to is set as either X Line or Y Line.
It is used to specify the Value that determines the reference position. The value can be an arbitrary double, or can be LabTalk notations such as X1 X2 Y1 Y2. X1/X2 refers to the From/To values of the X axis, and this is similar for Y1 and Y2.
Auto Reposition of Data Labels
They are used for repositioning overlapping data labels.
Auto Reposition to Avoid Overlapping
This check box is used to specify whether to turn on reposition to avoid overlapping. If it is not selected, the positions of data label remain relative to data even though they are overlapping with other data labels, data points, or leader lines.
Reposition Direction
This drop-down menu is only available when Auto Reposition to Avoid Overlapping is checked.
It is used to specify the direction to move data labels when re-position needs to be applied. Choose between X and Y to re-position the data labels either along X axis or along Y axis.
Leader Line
The leader line is a line object connecting the data label and its reference position (determined by the Attach to drop-down list).
Show Leader Line if Offset Exceeds (%)
This check box controls display of the leader line. Leader lines will only be shown if the offset between data labels and data points exceeds a certain critical length. The critical length is defined using the Percent Value in the text box next to the check box.
Critical Length = Percent Value% * (Layer Height + Layer Width)/2.
Select the leader line connection type. The seven options are Straight, Polyline-Horz, Polyline-Vert, Step-Horz, Step-Vert, Horizontal and Vertical . Polyline-Horz and Polyline-Vert create three segment lines where the middle segment is angled. Step-Horz and Step-Vert create three segment lines where the middle segment is perpendicular.
If Polyline-Horz or Polyline-Vert is chosen, you can change the percent of horizontal or vertical distance between two inflection points in the text box after the Connect drop-down list (see the below Image(1)). Similarly, if Step-Horz or Step-Vert is chosen, you can specify the position of the inflection point by the percent of horizontal or vertical distance in the text box after the Connect drop-down list (see the below Image(2)).
_Label2_Tab/Tip_icon.png?v=9614) | To obtain an "L-shaped" leader line as in the following image, set Connect = Step-Horz and enter 0 in the accompanying text box.
Select the line style of the leader line.
Determine the width of the leader line.
Determine the color of leader line either by system color or custom color. If it is set as Auto, the color setting of leader line will follow the color of data labels.
Show Label for Leaves Only
This control is only available for Dendrogram graphs.
Check this check box to show label of the leaves only. It means the label of nodes will be hidden.
Auto Hide Overlapped Labels
This control is only available for Dendrogram graphs.
Check this check box to hide the overlapped labels automatically.
Label Display
This drop-down option is only available for the Heatmap graph, including Heatmap with Split Tiles.
It supports Square, Upper Triangular, Upper Triangular without diagonal, Lower Triangular Lower Triangular without diagonal and By Value four display styles for the labels.
When you select By Value, for the label values set by Label Form, you can set a value condition to decide which cells should show the labels.
If the Heatmap X and Y is not N*N, these four options, Upper Triangular, Upper Triangular without diagonal, Lower Triangular and Lower Triangular without diagonal are not avaiable.
Addtional Labels
Add additional labels for a box chart.
- Label Form: You can choose one column label row as the labels. Selecting <Custom> from the drop-down list, a string box becomes available to let you choose or enter a syntax to refer to a label variable.
- See Syntax and notations used in plot label.
- Position: You can choose how to position the labels around the boxes.
- When Box Type is Bar or Bar + Data, Bottom and Below Whisker will not be listed. For Box Type is Data, only Top and Bottom will be listed.
- When Boxes in Panels, you can select a column while Label Form =<Custom>, then content in first row of panels from selected column will be shown as labels for panels.
- Horizontal/Vertical Offset: Adjust the offset of the labels from the position you have set with Position control.