The (Plot Details) Label Tab (3D Symbol/Vector/Bars/Ribbon/Wall)PD-Dialog-Label3-Tab
This tab is used to add and customize the labels for 3D Symbol/Vector/Bars/XYY Bars plots. Label content can be defined by selecting options from the drop down list of Label Form; the style, position, and orientation of the labels can also be customized.
- 3D Symbol
- Label Tab for General Plots
- Label Tab for Special Point
- 3D Bar/3D Ribbon/3D Wall
- Label Tab for General Plots
- Label Tab for Special Point (3D Bar ONLY)
- 3D Vector
Checking the Enable box will allow adding and customizing labels to data plots.
Show at Specified Indices Only
When this box is checked, label points only at these indices:
- Enter a space-separated list of row index numbers. Value 0 can be used to label last point, regardless of row index.
- Choose a dataset of index numbers from the drop-down list.
Attach to (3D Vector Only)
It's available only when the 3D Vector tab is enabled. If the vector graph is created from XYZXYZ dataset, the coordinates the label shows will be that of the end point the label attaches to.
Arrow Tail
The labels will be attached to the tail of the vector.
Arrow Head
The labels will be attached to the head of the vector.
Select a font for the label text from the drop-down list. Note that the default selection is controlled with the Default drop-down list on the Text Fonts tab of the Options dialog box.
Select a color for the label text.
Note that as of version 2019, Origin only supports a uniform color for text labels in 3D plots. If you choose Auto, that color will be black. Having the label color follow the color of the data point is not supported as it is for 2D line and symbol plots.
Type or select a size in this combination box. The size is in units of points.
White Out
Select this check box to display a white background behind each data label value.
Accent Buttons
Bold, Italic and Underline buttons are provided.
The Emphasis checkbox is only available for special points. When a data point becomes special, its properties will follow that of the plot until you customize it. Emphasis means the Bold, Italic and Underline formats of label of this special point follows the plot. Uncheck it to edit the Accent buttons to the left.
Rotate (deg)
The value in the Rotate text box determines the rotation angle of the label on the label text plane:
- Positive values rotate the labels counterclockwise.
- Negative values rotate the labels clockwise.
- Zero degrees is in the positive X direction.
Label Form
Specify the quantities or data set to be used for creating the label.
It is only available in the Label Tab for special point. This option uses the Label Form settings of general plots for the special point.
Use X values of the data as labels
Use Y values of the data as labels
Use Z values of the data as labels
Use row indices as labels
(X, Y)
Use both X and Y values of the data as labels
(X, Y, Z)
Use XYZ values of the data as labels
Use content and format specified in Format String to create the labels
Use the desired column from the worksheet as labels. All columns located to the right of the data Y column will be listed here.
Numeric Display Format/Format String
- When Label Form is set to X, Y or (X/Y) or Col(ColumnShortName), a Numeric Display Format box becomes available. See Origin Formats. Supported formats include D (date) and T (time) options as long as the date and time data display in the worksheet as numeric Julian Date values.
- When Label Form = Custom, a Format String box becomes available. See Syntax and notations used in plot label.
Note that clicking on the Numeric Display Format or Format String lists shows prototyped formats.
Format String Notes:
- In this box, column designators col() and wcol() and arbitrary fixed strings can be combined, as desired.
- The %() substitution and $() substitution can be used here (for example, $(wcol(n)[i], *4) translates to "show the Y values of the current plot and set decimal places to 4" or %(?,@LL) translates to "show the Long Name of current Y column as labels", with L indicating the Long Name of current column -- see Column Label Characters for a full list of the column label rows' substitute characters).
- Columns to the left or right of the current Y column can be referred to by column index (e.g. col(2)[i] or wcol(n+1)[i]), or by Short or Long Name (e.g. col(B)[i] or col(Percent)[i]).
- Numeric and date/time formats are modified using these specifiers.
- Before Origin 9.0, you could only use $(x) to get numeric values. Origin 9.0 and later support x$/y$/z$ which is useful for categorical data. For example, %(X$) is used to return categorical data in the x column, whereas $(x) only shows the index value of the categorical data.
Offset (3D Symbol/Vector)
There are three boxes under Offset. The setting in the box next to the axis determines the offset of the data labels along the corresponding axis direction.
Note that the offset is measured as a percentage of the font height.
The Auto Offset checkbox is only available for special points. When a data point becomes special, its properties will follow that of the plot until you customize it. Auto Offset means the label position of this special point follows the plot. Uncheck it to customize X/Y/Z Offset and Vertical Offset.
Position (3D Symbol/Vector)
Specify the label position.
It is only available in the Label Tab for special point and it will only shown when the box before Auto Location is unchecked. This option uses the Position setting of general plots for the special point.
Place label in the center of the data point.
Place label to the left or right of the data point.
Place label above or below the data point.
Position (3D Bars/XYY Bars)
This section specifies the position of the label.
Specify the reference position in each axis direction to place the label. The Auto option on the drop-down list is only available for the special point of 3D XYY bar.
The other 5 options in each axis drop-down list refer to 5 positions formed by the two faces of the bar which are perpendicular to the corresponding axis.
- The Left, Right, Bottom, Top, Front, and Back options refer to the positions which are the two sides of the left, right, bottom, top, front, back planes of the bar respectively. Note that the left plane is the face closer to the From end.
- When the Outside option is selected, the label will extend from the selected position away from the center of the bar.
- When the Inside option is selected, the label will extend from the selected position in towards the center of the bar.
- The Center option centers the label in the middle of the two corresponding faces of the bar.
- For 3D floating bar, there are Bottom *** and Top *** options. Here, Bottom is the start position, Top is the end position.
The setting in the box on each axis table row determines the offset of the data labels away from the reference position. Note that the offset is measured as a percentage of the font height.
Orientation (3D Symbol/Vector)
This section is used to set the normal vector of the label text plane.
- Auto Orientation
- When the box before Auto Orientation is checked, the label text plane will be always parallel to the screen plane while rotating the 3D graph.
- Orientation
- The setting boxes under Orientation will be available when Auto Orientation is disabled. They are used to set XYZ coordinates for the terminal point of the normal vector of label text plane, whose initial point is (0,0,0).
Orientation (3D Bars/XYY Bars)
This section is used to set the normal vector and the rotation of the label text plane.
- Plane: Set which plane the label text plane will be parallel to. Custom XYZ coordinates for the terminal point of the normal vector of the label text plane can be given in the Normal section.
The label text plane will be always parallel to the screen plane while rotating the 3D graph.
The label text plane will be always parallel to the XY plane while rotating the 3D graph.
The label text plane will be always parallel to the ZX plane while rotating the 3D graph.
The label text plane will be always parallel to the YZ plane while rotating the 3D graph.
Configure the XYZ coordinates for the terminal point of the normal vector of the label text plane, whose initial point is (0,0,0), in the Normal section.
Leader Line
The leader line is a line object connecting the data label and its data point.
Show Leader Line if Offset Exceeds (%)
This check box controls display of the leader line. Leader lines will only be shown if the offset between data labels and data points exceeds a certain critical length. The critical length is defined using the Percent Value in the text box next to the check box.
Critical Length = Percent Value% * (Layer Height + Layer Width)/2.
Select the leader line connection type. Two options are available: Straight, Polyline. The Polyline consists of a parallel segment along a axis specified in option Direction and a polyline segment.
Control Segment
This control is only available when Connect is set to Polyline. Specify where to place the parallel segment of polyline, two options available Plot Side or Label Side.
This control is only available when Connect is set to Polyline. Specify the direction of the parallel segment of polyline: X, Y or Z direction.
Determine the width of the leader line.
Determine the color of leader line either by system color or custom color. If it is set as Auto, the color setting of leader line will follow the color of data labels.