2.28.2 Algorithm for Gage R&R Study

Type 1 Gage Study

Basic Statistics

  • Mean
    \bar{X} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}x_i
  • StdDev
    S = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1}\sum_{i=1}^{N}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}
  • Study Variation(SV)
    SV = k_1 * S, where k_1 is the number of SD specified in the dialog. Default is 6.
  • Tolerance
    Tolerance = USL – LSL specified in the dialog.
  •  % of Tol: Calculate whether the gage resolution (specified in the dialog) is less than(good), greater(bad), or equal to 5% of the tolerance.


  • Bias
    \bar{X} - X_m, where X_m is the reference mean value specified in the dialog.
  • T
    t-statistics to test the null hypothesis bias = 0 vs alternative hypothesis bias \neq 0:
    t = \frac{\sqrt{N}|\bar{X} - X_m|}{S}


  • Cg
    The capability of the gage: C_g = \frac{K/100*Tolerance}{SV}, where K is the percent of the tolerance for calculating C_g which is specified in the dialog.
  • Cgk
    The capability of the gage, considering both the gage variation and the bias: C_{gk} = \frac{(K/200*Tolerance) - |\bar{X} - X_m|}{SV/2}
  •  %Var (Repeatability)
    Compare the gage repeatability with the tolerance: \frac{K*SV}{Tolerance}*100
  •  %Var (Repeatability and Bias)
    Compare the gage repeatability and bias with the tolerance: \frac{(K*SV)/2}{(K/200*Tolerance) - |\bar{X} - X_m|}

Gage Linear Bias Analysis

Utilize the Bias versus Reference Value plot to observe the variation in bias values x_{ij}-ref_i for each part. Subsequently, apply linear regression to the Bias versus Reference Value plot to estimate the slope and intercept.

Gage Linearity

  • S
    S estimates the standard deviation around the regression line. S = sqrt(RSS/df), where RSS is the residual sum of squares and df is the degree freedom of the error terms of the linear regression.
  • Linearity
    Linearity assesses whether the gage maintains consistent accuracy across all sizes of objects being measured.
     Linearity = |slope| * PV, where PV is Process\;Variation which represents 6 * the process standard deviation and is specified in the dialog if user has it.
  •  %Linearity
     %Linearity represents linearity as a percentage of the process variation.
     \% Linearity = \frac{Linearity}{PV}*100

Gage Bias

  • Bias
    Bias refers to the disparity between the part's reference value and the measurements taken by the operator.
     Average\;Bias = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{r}\sum_{j=1}^{N_i}(x_{ij}-ref_i)}{\sum_{i=1}^{r}N_i}
    where x_{ij} is the j^{th} measurement of the i^{th} part, ref_i is the reference value of the i^{th} part, N_i is the number of replicates of the i^{th} part, r is the number of parts.
  •  %Bias
     %Bias represents bias as a percentage of the process variation.
     \% Bias= \frac{|Average\;Bias|}{PV}*100

Methods to estimate repeatability standard deviation

  • Use the p-values to test whether the bias is 0 at each reference value, and whether the average bias is 0.
  • sample range method
    If each reference value corresponds to a unique part, s = \frac{max(X_i) - min(X_i)}{d_2}.
    If more than one part has the same reference value, s = \frac{\bar{R}}{d_2}, where \bar{R} is the average range of the bias of each part and d_2 = d_2^*[m_i, i].
    The t-statistic for testing bias is \frac{(average\;bias\;at\;a\;reference\;value)}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{r}}}, where r is number of parts.
  • sample standard deviation method
    If each reference value corresponds to a unique part, s = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N-1}\sum_{i=1}^{N}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}. The t-statistics for testing bias is \frac{(average\;bias\;at\;a\;reference\;value)}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{r}}}.
    If more than one part has the same reference value, s = \sqrt{\frac{(N_1-1)*S_1^2 + ...+ (N_r-1)*S_r^2}{(N_1-1)+ ...+ (N_r-1)}}. The t-statistics for testing bias is \frac{(average\;bias\;at\;a\;reference\;value)}{{s}*{\sqrt{1/N_1 + ...+ 1/N_r}}}.

Crossed Gage R&R Study


  • When you enter Operators and Parts, the data is analyzed with a balanced two-factor factorial design. Both factors are considered to be random. The Operator by Part interaction is included in the model first:
    SS_{Total}=SS_{Rep eatability}+SS_{Part}+SS_{Operator}+SS_{Part*Operator} \,\!
  • If the p-value for the interaction is greater than the significance level, the interaction term will be ignored and the data is then fitted with a reduced model with only main terms.
    SS_{Total}=SS_{Rep eatability}+SS_{Part}+SS_{Operator} \,\!,
    SS_{Total}=\sum_{i=1}^r\sum_{j=1}^s\sum_{k=1}^t(y_{ijk}-\bar y)^2
    SS_{Part}=st\sum_{i=1}^r(\bar y_{i\cdot\cdot}-\bar y)^2
    SS_{Operator}=rt\sum_{j=1}^s(\bar y_{\cdot j\cdot}-\bar y)^2
    SS_{Part*Operator}=t\sum_{i=1}^r\sum_{j=1}^s(\bar y_{ij\cdot}-\bar y_{i\cdot\cdot}-\bar y_{\cdot j\cdot}+\bar y)^2
  • When the interaction term is in the ANOVA model:
    SS_{Rep eatability} = SS_{Total} - SS_{Part} - SS_{Operator} - SS_{Part*Operator}
  • When the interaction term is not in the ANOVA model:
    SS_{Rep eatability} = SS_{Total} - SS_{Part} - SS_{Operator}
    SS_{Total} is the total sum of square, SS_{Part} represents the variability of the average differences from factor Part, SS_{Operator} represents the variability of the average differences from factorOperator, SS_{Part*Operator} represents the variability of interaction, and SS_{Rep eatability} represents the variability of all individual samples. r represents the number of parts. s represents the number of operators. t represents the number of replicates.
  • Two-way ANOVA table with interaction:
Source of Variation Degrees of Freedom (DF) Sum of Squares (SS) Mean Square (MS) F Value Prob > F
Part r - 1 SS_{Part} MS_{Part} \frac{MS_{Part}}{MS_{Part*Operator}} P\{F\geq F_{(r-1,(r-1)(s-1),\alpha )}\}
Operator s - 1 SS_{Operator} MS_{Operator} \frac{MS_{Operator}}{MS_{Part*Operator}} P\{F\geq F_{(s-1,(r-1)(s-1),\alpha )}\}
Part*Operator (r- 1) (s - 1) SS_{Part*Operator} MS_{Part*Operator} \frac{MS_{Part*Operator}}{MS_{Rep eatability}} P\{F\geq F_{((r-1)(s-1),rs(t-1),\alpha )}\}
Repeatability rs (t - 1) SS_{Rep eatability} MS_{Rep eatability}
Total rst - 1 SS_{Total}
  • Two-way ANOVA table without interaction:
Source of Variation Degrees of Freedom (DF) Sum of Squares (SS) Mean Square (MS) F Value Prob > F
Part r - 1 SS_{Part} MS_{Part} \frac{MS_{Part}}{MS_{Rep eatability}} P\{F\geq F_{(r-1,rst - r - s + 1,\alpha )}\}
Operator s - 1 SS_{Operator} MS_{Operator} \frac{MS_{Operator}}{MS_{Rep eatability}} P\{F\geq F_{(s-1,rst - r - s + 1,\alpha )}\}
Repeatability rst - r - s + 1 SS_{Rep eatability} MS_{Rep eatability}
Total rst - 1 SS_{Total}

Number of Distinct Categories

  • The number of distinct categories represents the number of groups that the measurement system can differentiate.

Gge R&R Table

Variance for ANOVA method

The variance components are calculated based on the ANOVA table. The value will be reported as zero if is negative.

  • With interaction:
    VARCOMP_{Rep eatability} = MS_{Rep eatability}
    VARCOMP_{Operator} = \frac{MS_{Operator} - MS_{Operator*Part}}{rt}
    VARCOMP_{Operator*Part} = \frac{MS_{Operator*Part} - MS_{Rep eatability}}{t}
    VARCOMP_{Part-to-Part} = \frac{MS_{Part} - MS_{Operator*Part}}{st}
    VARCOMP_{Reproducibility} = VARCOMP_{Operator} + VARCOMP_{Operator*Part}
    VARCOMP_{Total-Gage} = VARCOMP_{Rep eatability} + VARCOMP_{Reproducibility}
    VARCOMP_{Total-Variation} = VARCOMP_{Total-Gage} + VARCOMP_{Part-to-Part}
  • Without interaction:
    VARCOMP_{Rep eatability} = MS_{Rep eatability}
    VARCOMP_{Operator} = \frac{MS_{Operator} - MS_{Rep eatability}}{rt}
    VARCOMP_{Part-to-Part} = \frac{MS_{Part} - MS_{Rep eatability}}{st}
    VARCOMP_{Reproducibility} = VARCOMP_{Operator}
    VARCOMP_{Total-Gage} = VARCOMP_{Rep eatability} + VARCOMP_{Reproducibility}
    VARCOMP_{Total-Variation} = VARCOMP_{Total-Gage} + VARCOMP_{Part-to-Part}

Variance for Xbar and R method

  • For variance contributed by each source, the standard deviation is calculated as:
    STDDEV_{Rep eatability} = (\sum_{i=1}^r\sum_{j=1}^s\frac{R_{ij}}{rs})\times \frac{1}{d_2}
    where R_{ij} is the range of measurements by operator j for part i. d_2 = d_2^*[rs, t].
    STDDEV_{Reproducibility} = \sqrt{\biggr[\bar{X}_{diff}*\frac{1}{d_2}\biggr]^2 - \biggr[\frac{(STDDEV_{repe atability})^2}{rt}\biggr]}
    where \bar{X}_{diff} = max(\bar{X}_1, ..., \bar{X}_k) - min(\bar{X}_1, ..., \bar{X}_k), d_2 = d_2^*[1, s]
    STDDEV_{Part-to-Part} = R_p\frac{1}{d_2}
    where R_p is the range of part average values, d_2 = d_2^*[1, r]
    STDDEV_{Total-Gage} = \sqrt{(STDDEV_{Rep eatability})^2 + (STDDEV_{Reproducibility})^2}
    STDDEV_{Total-Variation} = \sqrt{(STDDEV_{Total-Gage})^2 + (STDDEV_{Part-to-Part})^2}


 \% Contribution = \frac{VARCOMP}{VARCOMP_{Total-Variation}}


If historical standard deviation \sigma is specified and is larger than the gage standard deviation \hat{\sigma}_{Gage}, then the total standard deviation is \sigma and \hat{\sigma}_{Part} = \sqrt{\sigma^2 - \hat{\sigma}^2_{Gage}}. Otherwise, total standard deviation calculated from the data is used: StdDev = \sqrt{VarComp}

Study Var

The study variation is calculated as the standard deviation for each source of variation multiplied by 6 or the multiplier specified in Study variation. Study\;Var\;=\;k\;*\;StdDev

%Study Var

 \%StudyVar = \frac{Study\;Var}{Total\;Variation}*100


 \%Tolerance = \frac{Study\;Var}{Tolerance}*100, where Tolerance is user entered.


 \%Process = \frac{Study\;Var}{6 * (Historical\;Stddev)}*100, where Historical\;Stddev is user entered.

Nested Gage R&R Study


  • Partition of the variation into components for the ANOVA table:
    SS_{Total}=SS_{Rep eatability} + SS_{Operator}+SS_{Part(Operator)} \,\!
    SS_{Total}=\sum_{i=1}^r\sum_{j=1}^s\sum_{k=1}^t(y_{ijk}-\bar y)^2
    SS_{Operator}=rt\sum_{j=1}^s(\bar y_{\cdot j\cdot}-\bar y)^2
    SS_{Part(Operator)}=t\sum_{i=1}^r\sum_{j=1}^s(\bar y_{ij\cdot}-\bar y_{\cdot j\cdot})^2
    SS_{Rep eatability} = \sum_{i=1}^r\sum_{j=1}^s\sum_{k=1}^t(y_{ijk}-\bar y_{ij\cdot})^2

SS_{Total} is the total sum of square, SS_{Operator} represents the variability of the average differences from factorOperator, SS_{Part(Operator)} represents the variability of nested factors, and SS_{Rep eatability} represents the variability of all individual samples. r represents the number of parts. s represents the number of operators. t represents the number of replicates.

ANOVA table with the nested term:

Source of Variation Degrees of Freedom (DF) Sum of Squares (SS) Mean Square (MS) F Value Prob > F
Operator s - 1 SS_{Operator} MS_{Operator} \frac{MS_{Operator}}{MS_{Part*Operator}} P\{F\geq F_{(s-1,(r-1)(s-1),\alpha )}\}
Part(Operator) (r- 1) s SS_{Part(Operator)} MS_{Part(Operator)} \frac{MS_{Part(Operator)}}{MS_{Rep eatability}} P\{F\geq F_{((r-1)s,rs(t-1),\alpha )}\}
Repeatability rs (t - 1) SS_{Rep eatability} MS_{Rep eatability}
Total rst - 1 SS_{Total}

Gge R&R Table

  • The variance components are calculated based on the ANOVA table. The value will be reported as zero if is negative.
    VARCOMP_{Rep eatability} = MS_{Rep eatability}
    VARCOMP_{Reproducibility} = \frac{MS_{Operator} - MS_{Part(Operator)}}{rt}
    VARCOMP_{Part-to-Part} = \frac{MS_{Part(Operator)} - MS_{Rep eatability}}{t}
    VARCOMP_{Total-Gage} = VARCOMP_{Rep eatability} + VARCOMP_{Reproducibility}
    VARCOMP_{Total-Variation} = VARCOMP_{Total-Gage} + VARCOMP_{Part-to-Part}

Expanded Gage R&R Study

The app uses the general linear regression model to perform Gage R&R studies with three types of ANOVA models: the random-effects model, the mixed-effects model, and the nested designs model. By default the random-effects model is used. The mixed-effects model is used if any fixed factor is specified. The nested term will be involved if nested term is specified.

The model used for the gage study includes the main effects and the significant highest order interactions and the relevant interactions between. The app uses Fit General Linear Model to generate the ANOVA table and estimate the variance components of the factors and their interactions.

Variance Components for random effects

  • Partition of the variation into components for the ANOVA table:
    VARCOMP_{Rep eatability} = MS_{Rep eatability}
    VARCOMP_{Reproducibility} = VARCOMP_{Operator}\;+\;VarComp\;of\;other\;factors\;and\;interactions
    VARCOMP_{Part-to-Part} = VARCOMP_{Part}
    VARCOMP_{Total-Gage} = VARCOMP_{Rep eatability} + VARCOMP_{Reproducibility}
    VARCOMP_{Total-Variation} = VARCOMP_{Total-Gage} + VARCOMP_{Part-to-Part}

Variance Components for fixed effects

  • For fixed terms, the variability across the levels of the term is estimated to represent the variance components. After fitting with general linear model, the fitted coefficients for the first J-1 levels of the factor are calculated. The coefficient for Jth level is Coef_J = –\sum_{j=1}^{J-1}coef_j. Then:  VARCOMP = \sum{coef_j}^2.

Attribute Gage Study


  • Bias
     limit + b/a , where limit is tolerance limit provided by user. b and a are the intercept and slope from the fitted line on the probability plot.
  • Pre-adjusted repeatability
    X_t(P_a0.995)-X_t(P_a0.005), where X_t is the estimated reference values at acceptance probabilities of 0.995 and 0.005 on the fitted line.
  • Repeatability

Test of Bias = 0

  • AIAG method
    T: \frac{31.3 \times |bias|}{(X_t(P_a0.995)-X_t(P_a0.005))/1.08}
    DF: N - 1, where N is the number of trials.
  • Regression Method
    T: \frac{a + b \times LL}{s\sqrt{\frac{1}{K}+\frac{(LL - \bar{x})^2}{\sum(x_i-\bar{x})^2}}}, where LL is the lower tolerance limit, s is the error standard deviation from the fitted line, K is the number of parts, x_i is the reference value of each part, \bar{x} is the mean of the reference values.
    DF: N - 2, where N is number of points used for the fitting.


  • AIAG MSA-4:2010, Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA), 4th Edition