2.36 Factor Analysis (Pro)


This Factor Analysis app will use a small number of latent variables to explain variability among many observed variables.


  1. Import the sample file <Origin Program Folder>\Samples\Statistics\Protein Consumption in Europe.dat. Note: You can also right-click on the app icon to select Show Samples Folder, drag-and-drop the project file "FactorSample.opju" into Origin workspace to open it.
  2. Select columns B~I, and then click the Factor Analysis icon in the Apps Gallery window to open the Apps: factor-analysis dialog.
    Tutorial Factor Analysis 01.png
  3. Columns B-I will selected as Variables in Input tab, and choose column A as Observation Labels.
    Tutorial Factor Analysis 02.png
  4. In Settings tab, choose Principal Components method, analyze Correlation Matrix, set 3 to Number of Factors.
    Tutorial Factor Analysis 03.png
  5. In Rotation tab, choose Varimax method.
    Tutorial Factor Analysis 04.png
  6. In Plots tab, choose 3D graph type, and select Biplot.
    Tutorial Factor Analysis 05.png
  7. Click OK button, a report sheet, a report data sheet and a plot data sheet will be created.
    Tutorial Factor Analysis 06.png