3.83 FAQ-321 How can I plot a histogram with counts as label?

Last Update: 2/18/2019

Since Origin 2017 SR0, after created a Histogram, you can use the Show drop-down list in the Label tab of Plot Details dialog to add Counts/Percentage as label directly.

For Origin 2016 or earlier version, you need start from the binned data to plot a histogram with counts as label.

Method 1: You can use the frequency count tool to calculate the binned data

  1. Select Statistics: Descriptive Statistics: Frequency Counts to perform the frequency count.
  2. From the result worksheet highlight the Counts column, select Plot > Basic 2D : Column+Label from menu

Method 2: You can find the binned data from a histogram

  1. Plot a histogram first by selecting Plot > Statistical : Histogram
  2. Right-click on your histogram plot and choose Go to Bin Worksheet from the context menu
  3. From the bin worksheet highlight the Counts column, select Plot> Basic 2D : Column+Label from menu

Keywords:histogram, frequency counts, counts, column plot, binned data