3.122 FAQ-696 How to customize the shaded, integrated area under a curve?

Last Update: 3/19/2019

When using the Integrate Gadget (Gadgets: Integrate...) to calculate the integrated areas under a curve, you can opt to show the integrated areas on the graph as shaded regions:
Note, multiple individual shaded regions only available since Origin 2018b; for easiler version, you can only add one shaded area with Integrate Gadget).

  1. Click on the triangle button at the upper-right corner of yellow region-of-interest (ROI) box and select Preferences.
  2. In the Integration Preferences dialog, click on the Integration tab. Enable Keep the shading color after New Output and choose the shading color you desired.
  3. Click OK. A shaded region will show on the graph region, marking the integrated area under ROI box.
  4. Click on the triangle button to select New Output(O)(or other new output options), the shadow will be kept.
  5. Move the ROI box to another interesting region, you can continue to add such integrated areas.

To customize the appearance of the gray-shaded region in Origin 2016 SR1 or later:

  1. Click to select the shaded region, then use the Style toolbar buttons to change Fill Color, Fill Pattern, etc.; or right-click on the selected region and choose Properties and make changes via the Object Properties dialog box.

To customize the appearance of the gray-shaded region in earlier versions of Origin:

  1. Choose Edit: Button Edit Mode and click on the shaded region to select it.
  2. Use the Style toolbar buttons to change Fill Color, Fill Pattern, etc.; or right-click on the selected region and choose Properties and make changes via the Object Properties dialog box.
  3. When you have finished customizing the shaded region, re-select Edit: Button Edit Mode to escape button edit mode.

Keywords:Integrate, Fill Area, ROI, gadget, shading