3.144 FAQ-878 How to eliminate the outliers by a user-defined defination?Identify-and-Eliminate-User-Defined-Outliers
Last Update: 7/3/2017
To identify the outlier cells in a worksheet by a self-defined outlier defination, you will need to use a LabTalk function. In the following sample codes, we define a value as "outlier" if its absolute Z value (=abs((x-MeanOfColumn)/SDOfColumn)) is larger than a certain preset threshold:
function dataset remoutliers(dataset ds1, double zthresh) {
dataset ds2;
double ii;
sum(ds1); //collect stats of ds1
double summean=sum.mean; //store mean
double sumsd=sum.SD; //store SD
double nr=ds1.getSize(); //number of rows
for(ii=1; ii<=nr; ii++) {
ds2[ii]=abs(ds1[ii]-summean)/sumsd<=zthresh?ds1[ii]:0/0; //set missing if outlier
return ds2;
Then you can use function remoutliers to search out the whole worksheet. For example, to mask the outliers in the following worksheet:
you can run the scripts below:
zthreshold=1.0; //Set the threshold Z
nc=wks.ncols; //number of columns
nr=wks.maxrows; //number of rows
for(jj=1; jj<=nc; jj++){
dataset ds=wcol(jj);
range rc=wcol(jj);
for(ii=1; ii<=nr; ii++) {
if(rc[ii]==0/0) {
rc[ii]=ds[ii]; //recover the data from original
rc<ii>=1; //if cell is missing, mask it
Finally you will get the following results.
Note: if your dataset is arranged by rows, you will need to transpose the worksheet columns first.
Keywords:mask outlier, detect outlier