3.33 FAQ-262 How do I supply my own Equation and Sample Curve images for my fitting function?

Last Update: 4/7/2022

When using the NLFit tool or the Fitting Function Organizer tool, you can see the sample curve and the equation of the built-in function in the lower pane of the tool. These images are very informative for that they can tell us the general shapes of the fitting curves.

To supply your own equation and sample curve images for your fitting function, you can simply put an .svg, .emf or .wmf file (for the Equation) and _cuv.svg, _cuv.emf, _cuv.wmf or .cuv (wmf format) file (for the Sample Curve) with the same name as the .fdf file(the definition file of your own fitting function) under <UFF>\FitFunc folder, where <uff> refers to your user files folder.

To create a .wmf (Equation) file, you can use LaTeX App to write down the function expression in an Origin Graph/Layout page, and then export it as a .wmf file (File: Export Graph).

To create a .cuv (Sample Curve) file, you can create a typical sample curve in Origin and then export it as a .wmf file and rename it as a .cuv file.

Keywords:Fitting, NLFit, Fitting Function Organizer, Sample Curve