Tutorial for Winter's Method (Smoothing)


This Winter's Method tool is supported in the Time Series Analysis App. It is suggested to smooth the time series with seasonality.

Notes for Starting

Topics for Further Reading:

Steps in Origin

  1. Open the sample project file in Origin, go to Folder Smooth using the Project Explorer. Activate the workbook Monthly beer sales in millions of barrels, 01/1975 - 12/1990..
    Winters data pe.png
  2. Highlight column B in worksheet. Click the Time Series Analysis App icon Time Series Analysis icon.png in the Apps Gallery window.
  3. Choose Smooth tab. Click Winter's Method icon to open the dialog.
    Winters toolbar.png
  4. In the Setting tab,set Seasonal Length to 12. Choose Multiplicative model type and Intercept Difference between Groups Initializaiton Method. Set level, trend and seasonal weight to 0.1, 0.1 and 0.2 respectively.
    Winters dialog.png
  5. To predict beer sales in the next six months, set Number of Forecasts to 6.
  6. Click Preview button to display fitted curve with forecasts against actual data.
  7. Accept all other default settings and click OK button.
    Winters report.png