2.74.1 Identify Data Distribution

More information:


With the Identify Data Distribution tool, we can

  • Examine the distribution of your data, and estimate parameters for the distribution
  • Compare the distributions to determine which is the best fit
  • Perform transformation for your data to make your data closely resemble a normal distribution.

Origin provides 14 distributions and 3 transformation functions in this tool


Normal Logistic
Normal PDF.png
Logistic PDF.png


Log-logistic Weibull

3-Parameter Weibull

Gamma Rayleigh
Lognormal PDF.png
Weibull PDF.png
Gamma PDF.png
Rayleigh PDF.png
Smallest Extreme Value Largest Extreme Value Exponential Gaussian Mixture Folded Normal
Smallest Extreme Value PDF.png
Largest Extreme Value PDF.png
Exp PDF.png
Gaussian Mixture PDF.png
Folded Normal PDF.png

Transformation Functions

Box-Cox Transformation Yeo-Johnson Transformation Johnson Transformation


Select the icon to open dialog


Specify Input Data

Select the options in Input tab of the dialog according to how your data arranged

Data Arrangement Options to specify
One dataset
  • Specify the data in columns as Measurement Data
  • Select Subgroup Size By to be Constant, and set Subgroup Size Constant to be 1
Note: If you have data with subgroups and each subgroup size are the same, you can also use this option and set a proper value for the Subgroup Size Constant

Input OneData.png

Data with subgroups (indexed)
  • Specify the data in columns as Measurement Data
  • Select Subgroup Size By to be Column, and set Subgroup Size Column to be the column with group info

Input IndexedData.png

Data with subgroups (raw)

Mini bulb.png If the columns have different data size, right click on the row header of last row and select Set as End to push all the column having the same size

  • Specify data in multiple columns as Measurement Data
  • Select Subgroups Arranged in Rows Across Columns check box

Input RawData.png

Choose Distribution/Transformations

IDD Distribution.png

Specify the distribution or transformation methods in the Distribution tab of the dialog. There are 15 distributions and 3 transformation methods in the list.

If selecting All in the Number of Distributions and Transformations dropdown list, all 18 models will be performed on data. Or, you can specify up to 4 models to be fit on your data.

If you select All or specify a transformation method, you can further specify the settings of transformations methods in the corresponding tab in the dialog