2.25 General Linear Regression (Pro)


This General Linear Regression app is to perform regression to study the relationship between a response variable and categorical or continuous independent variables.


  1. Download the project file from here and open it in Origin
  2. Click the Redundancy Analysis icon,GLMApp.png, from Apps Gallery.
  3. In the opened dialog, Set Dependent Variables to be column F, In the Independent Variables branch, set Continuous to be column D, E and Categorical to be column A,B, C.
    GLM Input.png
  4. In the Settings tab, keep the Model Type as Main Effects as we only want to consider all the main effects in model. And keep Coding Type to be [1,0). that means we will estimates the mean difference between each level and the reference level. (The reference level is set in the Input tab). Accept all other default settings and click OK to close dialog
    GLM Settings.png

    We can choose Custom Model to add or remove any main effects and interaction terms to the model in the opened dialog. To add interaction effects, select multiple items from the left panel and choose >>A*B>> button to move it to right to add to model

    GLM Custom Model.png

    1. Select sheet GLR Report.
      GLR Report.png