2.17 Fourier Self-Deconvolution (Pro)


Notes: The method is also available as a build-in method for peak detection in the Peak Analyzer tool after Origin 2018b

This Fourier Self-Deconvolution app can be used to find overlapping peaks in the spectrum

  • To use the tool, the X data of spectrum must be evenly spaced. If your X data is not evenly spaced, please use the Interpolation tool to create a uniform linearly spaced interpolated curve from your spectrum first.
  • Baseline must be subtracted before using the tool, otherwise extra hidden peaks would be found.


  1. Download the sample file from here to your local PC and open it in Origin
  2. Highlight column A and B in workbook, or activate the graph window, click the Fourier Self-Deconvolution icon FSD Icon.png from the Apps Gallery to bring up the dialog
  3. We can clear the Auto check box next to Gamma and adjust the settings. Click Preview button to see how the settings work.
    Gamma: the larger Gamma is, the narrower the deconvolved peak becomes
    Smoothing Factor (0-1): the larger the factor, the smoother the deconvolved spectrum, and the wider the deconvolved peaks
    FSD Preview.png
  4. Set Gamma to be 10 and Smoothing Factor (0-1) to be 0.13, Click OK to create the result.
  5. After deconvolution with the Fourier Self-Deconvolution method, we can find the hidden peaks in spectrum
  6. FSD Results.png
Notes: The app only generates the deconvolved spectrum, it won't report the peak values. If what you want is to get the peak values, please use the Peak Analyzer tool.