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3.26 FAQ-254 How do I fit a single dataset with multiple instances of one function?
Last Update: 2/4/2015
Follow these steps:
With a worksheet active, Ctrl + select two or more ranges of data in the same column. With a graph active, use the Regional Data Selector tool,
, to select two or more ranges.
After your ranges have been set, open the NLFit dialog, by selecting
Analysis: Fitting: Nonlinear Curve Fit
Choose a function on the
Function Selection
Settings tab
Set the
Multi-Data Fit Mode
Global Fit
on the
Data Selection
Settings tab
On the
Parameters tab
, you can Share Parameters and on the
Code tab
, you can check the
Enable Linear Constraints
checkbox and enter constraints as needed. For example, if fitting with Gauss, where each peak has the same width, you would check the Share checkbox for Param w. If fitting with Boltzmann, where basically one Boltzmann is "sitting on top of another", so the top asymptote (A2) of the lower Boltzmann is matched with the lower asymptote (A1) of the upper Boltzmann, you would enter the constraint as A1_2 = A2.
replica, peak, repeat
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FAQ-976 Why does my Analysis Template file keep getting bigger?
FAQ-222 What is the difference between global fit and independent fit?
FAQ-223 How do I set the same bounds to parameters when fitting multiple datasets?
FAQ-224 How to use the parameter values from the last fit as the new starting values
FAQ-225 How do I fit all curves in my layer or graph?
FAQ-226 How do I fit a part of the data plot in my graph?
FAQ-228 How do I force my fit curve to go through a point?
FAQ-231 How do I know if my fit result is good?
FAQ-232 How to identify the outliers in linear fit?
FAQ-233 How to find a slope on the log-log plot?
FAQ-234 How do I compare datasets or fitting models?
FAQ-236 How to use the parameter values in the Script After Fitting
FAQ-238 Why am I not getting a good fit?
FAQ-239 What does the NLFit error code mean and what can I do?
FAQ-240 Why is my fitting function not compiling?
FAQ-241 Why does my fit curve appear jagged and not smooth?
FAQ-242 Why is my Reduced Chi-Sqr value very different from 1?
FAQ-243 Why my fit did not converge when I have exponential functions?
FAQ-244 Why can I not reproduce the fit curve using reported parameters?
FAQ-245 Why are fitted parameters different when fitting data are transformed?
FAQ-247 Why is R-Square greatly different when intercept is fixed in linear fit?
FAQ-248 How do I interpret polynomial fitting results?
FAQ-251 How to compute EC50/IC50 in Dose Response fitting
FAQ-252 How can I quickly carry out dose response analysis?
FAQ-253 How do I perform curve fitting on my histogram plot?
FAQ-254 How do I fit a single dataset with multiple instances of one function?
FAQ-255 How do I fit replicate data?
FAQ-256 How to write linear constraints in different fitting cases
FAQ-257 How can I perform regression with multiple linear terms and obtain an analytical solution?
FAQ-258 How can I carry out curve fitting with X error?
FAQ-259 How to fit date and time data?
FAQ-261 How do I call the NAG library in my user-defined fit equation?
FAQ-262 How do I supply my own Equation and Sample Curve images for my fitting function?
FAQ-263 How to include integrate in my fitting function
FAQ-264 How to quote a built-in function when defining a user-defined function?
FAQ-265 How to define an implicit function?
FAQ-266 Why do I need to provide initial parameter estimates for my user-defined fitting
FAQ-267 How do I speed up the fitting routine for the user-defined function with integration?
FAQ-268 How to estimate initial parameters for rational functions
FAQ-269 How to define an ordinary differential equation for fitting
FAQ-272 How do I automate repetitive tasks?
FAQ-273 How do I keep certain data when saving an Analysis Template?
FAQ-275 How do I hide the analysis markers and locks?
FAQ-277 How do I know if an analysis result is not up to date?
FAQ-278 How do I perform a different analysis on the same range?
FAQ-279 What is the precision of results from analysis operations?
FAQ-280 How do I perform analysis on a specific curve in my multi-curve plot?
FAQ-281 Is there a User Community site to share tools and applications?
FAQ-282 How do I convert date data from Matlab to Origin
FAQ-283 How do I convert date data from Excel to Origin
FAQ-284 Why do analysis markers look so small or so big?
FAQ-285 What are these markers and what is this lock on my graph?
FAQ-287 How to change the font size of footnote in the result sheet?
FAQ-288 How to change the default value of Recalculate dropdown when open dialog?
FAQ-290 Where can I find a list of available mathematical functions?
FAQ-291 How do I normalize my data?
FAQ-292 How do I perform calculations using worksheet data columns?
FAQ-293 How to convert sphere coordinates to cartesian coordinates?
FAQ-295 How do I calculate the FWHM?
FAQ-296 How do I find the area under my curve?
FAQ-297 How do I locate the peaks in my data?
FAQ-298 How do I set the bound for fitting for some functions?
FAQ-299 What are the various options for analyzing peak data?
FAQ-300 How do I perform Peak Deconvolution?
FAQ-302 How do I smooth my own data, so I don't get a new curve drawn on top?
FAQ-303 Does Origin support LOESS or LOWESS regression?
FAQ-304 Does the FFT computation truncate or pad my data?
FAQ-305 How do I compute autocorrelation on a signal?
FAQ-306 How do I perform FFT when my time data is not evenly spaced?
FAQ-307 How do I remove DC offset before performing FFT?
FAQ-308 Why is my FFT result different from that in Origin7.5?
FAQ-309 How do I carry out deconvolution?
FAQ-311 Can we put results of statistics on column to a worksheet?
FAQ-312 Does Mann Whitney Test support raw data in Origin?
FAQ-313 Does Origin support Multivariate Analysis?
FAQ-314 Does Origin supports Welch's t-test?
FAQ-315 How can I align outliers in a line in box chart?
FAQ-316 How can I customize the scatter matrix plotted with the correlation coefficient tool?
FAQ-317 How do I get data to draw on top of the box/bar + data charts?
FAQ-318 How can I know the best representative sample within each cluster in cluster analysis?
FAQ-319 How can I perform t-tests on rows?
FAQ-320 How can I plot a 3D histogram?
FAQ-321 How can I plot a histogram with counts as label?
FAQ-322 How can I show data from different groups within one box chart?
FAQ-323 How to perform column calculation over a sliding window, such as moving average or moving standard deviation?
FAQ-324 How can I calculate the moving median?
FAQ-325 How do I overlay a distribution curve on my histogram plot?
FAQ-326 How to add scatter label for Score Plot/Biplot in Principal Component Analysis?
FAQ-327 How to compute the critical value of t distribution?
FAQ-328 How to perform distribution fit
FAQ-329 How to plot a p-p plot with confidence band?
FAQ-330 How to plot the kernel density graph?
FAQ-331 What can I do if I have more than 10 columns to be run for ANOVA?
FAQ-332 What is balanced design in repeated measure analysis?
FAQ-333 What is indexed versus raw data and how to transform from one to another?
FAQ-334 Where can I find a list of available statistical functions?
FAQ-490 How do I identify and eliminate outliers?
FAQ-501 What are the confidence intervals associated with 1σ, 2σ, 3σ, and etc. for Gaussian distribution?
FAQ-619 What is the difference between these two sigmoidal fitting function, Logistic and Bolzmann?
FAQ-630 How to open FDF files in Windows Explorer?
FAQ-631 How to report FWHM for each peak in a single dataset Gaussian fit?
FAQ-633 How to draw a line between two points to find the slope and y-intercept values?
FAQ-634 How can I smooth the contour lines in a contour plot?
FAQ-635 How to display the fitting equation in the legend?
FAQ-642 Which kind of weight can be used in fitting?
FAQ-643 What is the Apparent Fit?
FAQ-645 What kind of Fit Statistics can be obtained in linear fit?
FAQ-646 How to control the Residual Analysis/Plots in linear fit?
FAQ-647 How to identify fitting results in report table by Dataset Identilier?
FAQ-648 How to specify the destinations of the output?
FAQ-653 How to use the gamma function in Origin?
FAQ-654 How to fit multiple datasets?
FAQ-655 What kind of Fit Parameters (Error analysis) can be obtained in linear fit?
FAQ-665 How do I exclude outliers from an graphing or analysis routine without deleting the data?
FAQ-673 How can I find the x values where my data plot crosses the y=constant such as x axis?
FAQ-676 We are trying to use a single exponential decay equation to determine the half-life of a compound, but your equation is slightly different than the standard form. How do we calculate the half-life?
FAQ-687 How to calculate derivative for all datasets in graph?
FAQ-691 How to Find X/Y from Fitted Curves in Find X/Y table?
FAQ-693 How to perform Multiple Linear Regression with boundary or constraint?
FAQ-694 How can I calculate the parameter value in a complex equation?
FAQ-695 What is the difference between Integrate, integratexy and Integ1?
FAQ-696 How to customize the shaded, integrated area under a curve?
FAQ-698 How can I show Pseudo-Frequency axis scale in cwt image plot?
FAQ-709 How do I refer to fitting parameters in the Set Column Values dialog?
FAQ-721 How can I classify data into groups and colormap them from the graph directly?
FAQ-729 How can I put the results of Statistics on Columns in the source worksheet?
FAQ-750 How can I calculate propagation delay time between two signals?
FAQ-761 How to batch process multiple files in groups?
FAQ-765 How to quickly define and access Project Variables in Set Values dialog?
FAQ-766 How to generate a customized Word report after batch processing?
FAQ-769 Can I pre-process peak data, such as exclude unwanted data, before each analysis process?
FAQ-770 How to customize the Report Table attached on the source graph for Linear and Nonlinear fitting?
FAQ-774 Can I add fitting equation with parameter values to the graph in nonlinear curve fitting?
FAQ-778 How to create baseline with Asymmetric Least Squares method?
FAQ-782 Why parameter's standard error remains the same when error bar largely changes?
FAQ-805 How to compare the curves before and after recalculation?
FAQ-808 Why my peak fitting with user-defined function is slow? How to speed it up?
FAQ-812 How can I plot subtracted data in result graph?
FAQ-826 How to revert the new report table Results ± Errors to old report table Results and Errors in two columns on graph?
FAQ-837 How to group data into bins and sum up the data of each bins respectively?
FAQ-855 Why does my DLL for fitting work in one PC but fail in another?
FAQ-858 How to build up a summation fitting function or a double integral fitting funtion?
FAQ-877 How to calculate the parameters of the correlation ellipse?
FAQ-878 How to eliminate the outliers by a user-defined defination?
FAQ-883 How to suppress the warning message dialog?
FAQ-884 How to get a good fit with a very large or a very small parameter?
FAQ-891 How can I control digits display in each analysis tool?
FAQ-894 How to fit 3D XYZ surface with X/Y/Z error?
FAQ-940 How do I highlight data points in multiple graphs simultaneously?
FAQ-937 What's the difference between SE and SD of fitted parameters in curve fitting?
FAQ-948 How to remove baseline for the XRD data?
FAQ-964 Why there are negative peaks when I deconvolute peaks, how to make them always be positive?
FAQ-965 How to turn off the fitting report table on graph?
FAQ-968 How to determine whether the slope in a linear fit is significantly different from a specific value?
FAQ-987 Why SE of mean got in ANOVA is different from the one got in statistics on column?
FAQ-1002 Are there validation results for Origin's analysis tools?
FAQ-1012 Why Does "Fit until converged" Generate Different Results Than Multiples of "1 Iteration" When Peak Fitting?
FAQ-1023 How do I synchronize two sensor signals recorded with different sampling rates?
FAQ-1024 How to perform linear fit on a part of the log-log plot?
FAQ-1036 How to go back to the source sheet or graph?
FAQ-1037 How to export graph during Batch Process?
FAQ-1057 How to link to local CSS and other files in HTML Reports?
FAQ-1082 What's the difference between SE and SEM?
FAQ-1085 Why does my fit fail with no iterations and a message saying "reason unknown"?
FAQ-1098 How does "Duplicate this Operation" work?
FAQ-1118 How to fit large X/Y data?
FAQ-1156 How to get "exact P values" in ANOVA tools?
FAQ-1177 How to define a constant related to input data in a fitting function?
FAQ-1183 How to get the Z data in a specific X/Y value in Contour plot?
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