The (Plot Details) Outline TabPD-Dialog-Outline-Tab
Outline Tab for 3D Bars (XYZ)
Outline Tab for XYY 3D Bars
Outline Tab for 3D Ribbons
Outline Tab for 3D Wall
Outline Tab for 3D Waterfall
Keep Shape (3D Bars)
Specify whether to keep the shape (i.e. the aspect ratio of the bar width in X and Z direction for XYY 3D Bars plot) of 3D Bars graph. For 3D XYZ Bar, the Keep Shape box is checked by default; For XYY 3D Bar, the Keep Shape box is unchecked by default.
When the Keep Shape' box is checked, Width(in %) slider will appear; When the Keep Shape box is unchecked, X Direction Bar Width(in %) and Y Direction Bar Width(in %) sliders will show up for 3D XYZ bar, X Direction Bar Width(in %) and Z Direction Bar Width(in %) sliders will show up for 3D XYY bar.
X/Y/Z Direction Bar Width(in %)(3D Bars)
These sliders are used to control the width of the bar on X/Y/Z direction, on a scale from 0 to 100. This value is a percent of the bar width.
100 means there is no spacing between the bars in that direction.
0 means the bar will be displayed as a plane in that direction.
Gap between Subgroup(%)(3D XYZ Stacked Bar)
When Offset within Subgroup (in Group tab) for Cumulative/Incremental is selected and Subgrouping has been set up, you are allowed to adjust the Gap between subgroups.
Gap between Subgroup + Gap between Bar = 1 - Y Direction Bar Width
Gap between Subgroup = (1 - Y direction Bar Width)/n*100% , n is number of subgroups.
When Gap between Subgroup is 0, bar between subgroup will be side by side without any gap; when Gap between Subgroup is 100, gap between subgroup is equal to Gap between Bar.
Width (in %)
For the XYZ 3D Bars graph, checking Keep Shape box makes this check box available. Adjust the bar width in both X and Y directions.
For 3D XYY graphs(3D Wall/3D Waterfall/3D Ribbons), adjust the wall/ribbon width in the Z direction. For 3D waterfall graphs, the width is set to 0 by default.
Base Plane at
Note: In the following graphs, the Z scale is set From = 3.6 to To = -3.6.
Related System Variable: @LRBM
Shift in Z by percent of scale range, 0=bottom, 100=top (XYZ 3D Bars)
Check this check box to enter a number between 0 and 100 and shift the base plane along the Z axis.
Subset(for XYY 3D Bars or 3D Ribbons)
Just like the 2D bar graph, you are also allowed to group the data points in one plot as multiple subsets.
Fill Area Under Curve
Choose Enable check box to fill the area udner the waterfall curves.
- Fill to Base: Fill the area under the curve to the baseline on the XZ plane. You can check Show Side Lines and Show Baseline to show the sidelines and baseline for the curve.
- Sideline Only: Only show sidelines, without filling the area under curves. You can check Show Baseline to show the baseline for the curve.
- Fill to Data Plot: Fill the area under the curve to the specified plot at same Z value. You can use drop-down list Plot Index of Same Z to select the target plot. This list show Next plot/1/2/3/4/5. If you selected the plot index that doesn't exist, no area will be filled.
Note: In a waterfall graph, there are multiple plots in same group. For the 2nd plot or plots after it, another checkbox Follow 1st Plot in the Group will be shown and checked by default to keep the Fill Area setting same for all plots in the same group.
For more details about filling area under curve, you can refer to the control Fill Area Under Curve in Line tab for 2D line graph.