The (Plot Details) Shape List Tab

You can use this tab to create/customize/load a increment shape list. This tab will be available:

  • for 2D plots when the symbol shape is controlled by Increment List or Indexing (i.e. shape is controlled by values in a column of data) in the Symbol tab, the Custom Construction is chosen as Geometric, and the Shape drop-down is set as a data column or Increment.
Symbol Shape List Tab.png
  • for 3D XYY/XYZ Bar plots when the bar shape is controlled by Increment List or Indexing (i.e. shape is controlled by values in a column of data) in the Pattern tab.
Bar Shape List Tab.png

Use custom increment list

This check box in unchecked by default, and in that case, the built-in increment list is used.

If this check box is selected, the Shapes list will show, and you can customize it.

Shapes List

You can customize, save and reload the shapes list, and more options are provided in the context menu.

When shape is indexed to a column of categorical data, categories are displayed beside each style in the Shapes list, making it easier to associate category and shape.

PD shape list categorical.png

Customize a Shape

For each row in the list, click the triangle button and select a built-in symbol/bar shape.

Rearrange the shape list

You can move, add or delete selected row(s) in the shape list and flip shape list, by the same methods you would use when editing the color list.

Save and Load Increment List

You can right click and choose the context menu to save or load an increment list, by the same methods you would use when you save and load an increment list.

Copy and Paste Increment List

To apply a custom shape increment list to other plots, you can right-click on the list and select Copy. Then go to the Shape List tab of other plots, right-click on the list and select the Paste option.