The (Plot Details) Wedges Tab

The (Plot Details) Wedges tab provides controls to edit the wedges, such as reorder the wedges, combine the wedges, show the second plot, explode any slice(s) and so on.

PD-Wedges tab.png

Combine Wedges by

Specify how to combine the wedges, by

  • Percentage: Combine the wedges, the percentage of which is less than or equal to a specified percentage.
  • Value: Combine the wedges, the value of which is less than or equal to a specified value.
  • Custom: Combine the wedges which have been selected in Combine column of the table below.

Please note, the combined wedges will be treated as the other wedge, in both the plot and the legend.

Percent/Value <=

Specify a threshold percent/value to combine the wedges. Once you entered a percent/value in this box, all wedges, the percent/value of which are less than or equal to this percent/value, will be selected in the Combine column of the table below.

Show Combined as

In the 2D Pie chart which set the View Angle to be 90, if you have combined any wedges, you can add one more plot(pie, Column or Doughnut) to show the details in the combined wedges.

The second plot to show the details of the combined wedges can be

  • Pie: To add a pie plot for the Other wedge(combined wedges) to the graph to create a pie-of-pie graph.
  • Column: To add a column plot for the Other wedge(combined wedges) to the graph to create a bar-of-pie graph.
  • Doughnut: To add a doughnut plot for the Other wedge(combined wedges) to the graph to create a doughnut-of-pie graph.

Size of 2nd Plot(% of radius)

Specify the size of the second plot, in the percentage of radius.

  • For the pie-of-pie graph, the size is the radius of the second pie.
  • For the bar-of-pie graph, the size is the height of the stacked column.
  • For the doughnut-of-pie graph, the size is the wedge thickness of the doughnut.

Gap Between Plots(% of radius)

Specify the gap between two plots, in the percentage of radius.

Combined Wedges Color

Specify a color for the other wedges combined in the first plot.

Table for Exploding or Combining Wedges

In this table, you can use the check boxes in the column Explode, Explode With Next and Combine to decide how to explode and/or combine the wedges.

Explode Wedges

Sometimes, to make some wedge(s) more noticeable, you can explode the wedge(s) by moving the wedge(s) away from the center.

Check the check boxes in the column Explode to specify the wedges you want to explode. Please note, in this case, all selected wedges will be exploded separately.

If you want to explode the adjacent N wedges together with each other, you can check the Explode With Next check boxes for the beginning N-1 wedges.

Explode Wedges.png

If you have combined any wedges, these wedges will be exploded if you have checked any "Explode" check box for these wedges.

Combine Wedges

Once you have decided to use a threshold percent or value to combine the wedges in the Combined Wedges by control, the wedges under the threshold(specified by Percent/Value <=) will be checked automatically in this column Combine. And, this column will be not editable.

Once you have set Combined Wedges by to Custom, you are allowed to choose the wedges optionally in this column Combine.

Exploded Displacement(% of radius)

Specify the displacement for any Exploded slice(s). The units are in % of the pie chart radius.

Order of Wedges

Specify how to arrange the wedges. Here, we supports four ways to specify the order:

  • Default: This is selected by default, which means the wedges will be arranged according to the row index.
  • Ascending: Arrange the wedges in the ascending order of the values
  • Descending: Arrange the wedges in the descending order of the values
  • By Column: Specify to use a column to control the order of wedges. Once you select this one, the Order by drop-down list will be available to let you select a column from current worksheet.

Please note, you can use the Starting Azimuth (deg) to specify the starting azimuth of the first slice.

Once you select By Column for the Order of Wedges, you can use the adjacent drop-down list to select the column you desired. Please note, if you select a categorical/text column, the order will be row index.

Wedges Total by

Specify a customized total percentage or value for all wedges. By default, total percent is 100, and total value is the sum value of the slices.

If you set this Wedges Total by Percent to 50, the sum percentage of all wedges will be 50% and the pie chart doesn't show a whole pie, but one semicircle.

If you set this Wedges Total by Value to Y, which is larger than the sum value Sum of all slices, the pie will show as a sector, θ = (Sum/Y)*360.

Plot Reminder as Wedge

If you have specified a custom Wedge Total, the pie chart might be a sector, then you can use this control to show the rest part of the circle as last wedge with a specified color.