You can combine multiple worksheets to be one new worksheet with the Append Worksheet tool. These worksheets can be appended column by column, or row by row.
It utilizes the wAppend X-Function.
Another option for those who need to join data from several sources -- particularly, files of the same file type and structure -- would be to use a Data Connector to import multiple files, appending each file to the first file by this method.
Specify the Recalculate Mode.
This part is used to specify the input worksheets to be combined. It includes a display box and a toolbar with four buttons :
Specify whether to append entire worksheet or specified columns.
This option is only available when Specified Columns is selected as Range. This part is used to specify the input columns to be combined. It includes a display box and a toolbar with four buttons :
Specify the direction to append worksheets or columns.
When you set Append by = Row, this check box will be available.
When you checked it, the rows to append will be appended to the end of each column without considering max boundary of its worksheet.
When you unchecked it, and if the columns in worksheets have different sizes on row, the worksheet will be appended under the last row of the longest column, with missing values filling the blank cells.
Please note, When Append by = Column, the data identifier will be added into the label row "Source" ;when Append by = Row, the data identifier will be added into the last column with "Source" as long name. If Append to End of Each Column is checked, this control will be disable.
By default, it is unchecked. If Append to End of Each Column is checked, this control will be disable.
The syntax is: start:increment, e.g. 0:0.5(0, 0.5, 1, 1.5...), default is <auto>, which equals to 1:1.