Restructure: Append Worksheet
Append multiple worksheets into a single worksheet
Minimum Origin Version Required: 2015 SR0
wAppend irng:=([Book1]Sheet1!, [Book1]Sheet2!, [Book2]Sheet1!) method:=row ow:=[<new>]<new>;
wAppend irng:=[Book1] method:=column ow:=[<new>]<new> -r 2;
Please refer to the page for additional option switches when accessing the x-function from script
This variable is for internal use only and cannot be accessed from script.
This is used to specify the input worksheet range.
The syntax is: ([BookName]SheetName!, [BookName2]SheetName2!). Note that specifying only [BookName] will append all sheets in the book to a single output sheet.
Specify the direction to append worksheets. Option list:
Available when Append by is Row. Specify whether to append rows to the end of each column without considering max boundary of the worksheet.
Specify the source dataset identifier type to show in the output worksheet. Option list:
Available when Dataset Identifier is Index. Specify the Index of source worksheet to show in output..
The syntax is: start:increment, e.g. 0:0.5(0, 0.5, 1, 1.5...), default is <auto>, which equals to 1:1.
Available when Append by is Row and Dataset Identifier is not None. Specify whether to put Dataset Identifier before or after data.
Specify the output range, see syntax here.
You can refer to the Origin Help page to see how to use this tool in a graphical interface.
wsplit, wsplit_book, merge_book